Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016 Friday #loose#delighted#linedance#nofans#kidsatwork!wolfrefuge

Get Fit
Did a set of exercises for "tight hips".  To loosen the hip joints, designed for runners.    I am not a runner but my hips can use some help.

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians 2:8  "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."  Church people often get a bad rap these days, but the truth is that the camaraderie that we share as members of God's family is still so strong that it keeps us all very close.  To share faith in Christ with another is a sweet comfort that we have.  When I see people that I am in church family with is exactly how this bible verse describes it.

On this day
2015  Last year on this day Don, Nicole and I went to Mike's for dinner then Don and I went to line dancing class.  Sophie and John were taking the class too, it was a lot of fun.

2015 - The White Sox beat the Baltimore Orioles 8-2 at Camden Yards. The game was played without a crowd present due to the ongoing riots and protests in Baltimore. This was the first time a Major League Baseball game was played in front of an empty house. Sad but it made sense.

Today at work, an ice cream truck business, two women had children with them.  one a granddaughter the other a son.  I'm reminded of the days when I had to work and worry about where my daughter would be.  My problems were easy - two grandmothers that loved having her when I needed a sitter.  Nicole was blessed to be with loving family - all the time.  Others have situations where they have a small child in a stroller in an ice cream truck while grandma cleans and inventories ice cream.  I suppose it could be a worse case scenario.

Prince Albert Canada  sightseeing
Website More Details Save Save
A Wolf Adventure is a provincially licensed, Saskatchewan-based wolf outreach/interpretive centre and eco-lodge that fosters and promotes a healthy respect of wildlife and surrounding habitat.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016 Thursday #Pilates#bemerciful#missingmom#pray#nomusic

Get Fit
There is such a thing as Weight loss Pilates.  Well that is what I did today, and have for probably 10 years, it is a nice workout but not sure I lose weight with it.  Only one way to lose weight.

Get Faith
Luke 6:36 - "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."  This is where Jesus tells us to love our enemies.  He said that anyone can love someone who loves them or treats them well - the trick is to love those who hate you and aren't kind to you.  Hate the sin, love the sinner.

On this day
2014 - Mom had been in the hospital with terrible pain in her leg.  When they sent her home it included an army of therapists and nurses visiting almost everyday of the week.  I miss the importance of caring for her, the activity of all the company, having her here for meals and complaining about her.  Hey!  I'm being honest here.  Now, two years later, I miss her.

1914 - W.H. Carrier patented the design of his air conditioner. Say thank you!

My friend was telling us about her nephew, 22 that only has a few weeks left because of cancer.  She said he has an amazing attitude, always trying to make his mom laugh and feel better. Mom is having a terrible time of coping and keeping herself strong for him.  I can't blame her, it is a horrific situation that many people have had to deal with, but it doesn't help knowing that.  Please say a prayer for Mitchell and his family.

Prince Albert Canada msic
No concerts found in Prince Albert, CA  This is just sad.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Julia, Sarah and Josh!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27, 2016 Wednesday #Disco!#Samuel#Lifebuilders#Faith#Powwow!

Get Fit
Need an energy boost!  Did a little Disco with Richard today!  Dance is good for the heart, the muscles, the balance and the soul.

Get Faith
1 Samuel 1:27, 28 "For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:  Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord: as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord..."  Samuel's mother pleaded with the Lord for a son and when he finally gave her a son, she took the child at two and gave him to the priests to learn to be in service to God.  What mother can do that?  What devotion to God.

On this day
2013  Our church had a workshop to highlight a group called Lifebuilders.  It is a couple from Grosse Pointe that put their entire life into restoring a one square mile of Detroit, through property renovation, senior lunches and help, after school children's programs and much more.  They are still at it, better than ever if you would like to help.  There are angels among us.

1296 - Scots were defeated by Edward I at the Battle of Dunbar. I always thought my ancestors were tougher than this.

I am ever thankful for my daughter's faith.  I would like to believe I had something to do with it but knowing what I know,it goes beyond that.  I was the driver that got her to church, the sunday school teacher that showed her how to be a teacher of faith and the encourager of social involvement in church for fun, but it was the Spirit that had her heart and led her to be the great Christian that she is.  I don't mean to preach, well ok, I guess I am - there isn't a better place to take your child.

Prince Albert Canada  

Pow Wow

by Benson35 Updated Oct 21, 2012
We were very lucky to share in this Native tradition in Prince Albert. As my Auntie is a Native from the Cree tribe, she goes every year to show her support and watch her Grandchildren dance.
Everybody participating in the Pow Wow dress in traditional (sometimes exaggerated I'm told) clothes. They are all handmade, colourful and the bead-work very intricate.
There are traditional dance competitions for money. The categories are Adult Male, Adult Female, boys and girls. The Native people of all tribes are able to take part, and some travel for days to get to the Pow Wow.
It is free to park and free to watch.

It is held in the Art Hauser Centre which is the home of the Raiders, the ice hockey team. The dance competitions are held on the ice (covered of course), so spectators need to wear something warm as the temperatures are low.

As you walk into the building, there are stalls selling toys, jewellery, t-shirts, jackets, bead belts and more. The majority of these items are handmade by the owners of the stall.

I enjoyed learning about this tradition and I also saw myself a Canadian Mountie!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lucas, Taylor and Tim!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26, 2016 Tuesday #weights#generations#exercycle#friends#museum!

Get Fit
Trying a weight work out today.  I was looking at a site that talked about pumping up your metabolism.  Something to think about, check it out - stay motivated!

Get Faith
Luke 1:26-56  This is the story of Mary finding out she is pregnant with the promised saviour and going to her cousin Elizabeth to share the news.  Both women were pregnant, although there was a huge age difference they were "sisters across the generations" in their experience.  Who have you had an experience with that has impacted your life?  We all have someone.

On this day
2008 - I was up in Marine City taking care of my blind friend, Bob on weekends.  I have been exercising for my entire life so when I found an exercycle in his basement I dragged it out and used it.  It was a break from my usual routine and he was thrilled I was using it.  Little pleasures.  Change it up once in a while.

1931 - New York Yankee Lou Gehrig hit a home run but was called out for passing a runner. I thought this only happened in the cartoons.

It is a wonderful thing to have friends to face unknown futures.  The women around my Bible Study group last night are all pretty much in the same place.  We are all retired, near retired or trying to work on into retirement.  Some of us have children, some have grandchildren and some do not have any offspring.  Some are married but most are widowed or divorced.  We share a common faith and we quite a bit of history together.  Ruth was my mom's friend and she is 94, and still drives a way to church.  God gives us a reason to celebrate life together and I thank Him for that.

Prince Albert Canada
5 of 5 starsReviewed yesterdayNEW

This Museum is located in the downtown area of Prince Albert in an old Fire Hall. The museum in very well organized and the signage is easy to read. Something for everyone. After you are finished browsing you can go to the top floor and have a beverage, etc. and even sit out on the back deck over looking the...More    Lets check this out today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelley!  

Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016 Monday #Pilates#alsoreap#Wow#trade#eldercheck#Amy's!

Having some difficulty with my blog lately, hope it is corrected now.

Get Fit
 A little core strengthening Pilates to start the week.  Makes sense to start at the core, doesn't it?

Get Faith
Galatians 6:7  "...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Most of us have heard this in a lot of different forms.  "You get what you give" "What goes around comes around" etc. It is self explanatory.

On this day
2006  Some days are just bad news.  I called my friend Gerry and she was down with the flu.  I called Cheryl and her mate, Kevin was in the hospital with pneumonia.  Later in the day I had to go to my cousin Sandy's husband, Bill's funeral.  This last week has been a lot like that but, you have to keep your chin up and keep going.  We seldom say - "Wow", nothing bad happened this week, maybe we should be more aware of those times.

1860 - The first Japanese diplomats to visit a foreign power reached Washington, DC. They remained in the U.S. capital for several weeks while discussing expansion of trade with the United StatesAnd so it began.

At lunch today with some friends from church it seemed like everyone had a similar story to relate.  All of them had an occurance of people preying on elderly people in their care.  One story was a niece, a lawyer that in handling her grandparents affairs wrote herself in as THE only heir in a very large family.  She almost got away with it.  Another story was a caregiver that talked the mother into signing a lot of papers that gave her control of the woman's finances and it worked.  The woman was completely broke.  Another, my friend and her family put a video camera in their dads room when a few things went missing.  Late in the evening they tuned in to find a man sleeping on the dad's couch after snacking on food from his refrigerator.  This same man disabled a light that flashed to let their dad, who is deaf know when someone came into the apartment.  That man no longer has a job.  Just a note to not be to trusting when it comes to your parents care, check often!

Prince Edward Canada 

Amy's On Second Restaurant

Amy's On Second Restaurant

#1 of 87 Restaurants in Prince Albert   
Price: $8 - $28  Map                               Let's have lunch here!
Visitor photos (3) 
 Menu  Let's have lunch here today!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue B!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 23, 2016 Saturday - Passover #Run!#Forgive#remembered#YouTube#seniorliving#thegoodearth!

Get Fit
I'm not a runner but, at this time of year I wish I were.  There are so many marathons for good causes I feel bad for missing out.  Of course there is, if you can't run donate.  Just the exhileration of the run is what I think I have missed out on.  There are other ways of getting your exercise, a walk and the fresh air will have to suffice for some of us.  Keep moving!

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:32  "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."  Forgiveness does not necessarily set the perpetrator free of the guilt they feel, but it does free the heart of the person doing the forgiving.  Let it go!  Let God.

On this day
2005 - it was sleeting and snowing.  It is Michigan, right?  Andy and Alice were down from Roscommon, Nicole was in college at Albion.  In those days when they came down they stayed with Mom and I here, which thrilled Mom.  We had a good time while they visited.  I believe the reason for this visit was Julia, Alice's Mom, was having issues and Alice came down to check on her.  So much has changed in 11 years.  Spend time with the people you love.

2005 - The first video was uploaded to seems like it has been around forever.

Too often a crisis is the reason for a visit, as our parents get older.  And then, they are all gone and we are the oldest generation.  Our children are busy with their lives, working etc and try to fit us in their schedules.  I appreciate the effort because, I am a busy person, with a lot of social occasions and activities.  It is time for me to consider what the future holds though, and start planning for my years as a senior, so I can enjoy those years and my family without becoming a burden.  But, this year I went back to work.  What are you planning?  Moving into the daughters extra bedroom when the kids go off to college?  Or, one of those great senior living places that make you feel like you are on vacation all the time?  What can you afford?  If you are the offspring in this consideration, you should start thinking about it too, and talking about it.

Prince Albert Canada

Prince Albert National Park encompasses 3,874 square kilometres (1,496 sq mi) in central SaskatchewanCanada and is located 200 kilometres (120 mi) north of Saskatoon. Though declared a national park March 24, 1927, it had its official opening ceremonies on August 10, 1928 performed by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King.[1] The park is open all year but the most visited period is from May to September. Although named for the city, the park's main entrance is actually 80 km (50 mi) north of Prince Albert via Highways 2 and 263which enters the park at its southeast corner. Two additional secondary highways enter the park: No. 264, which branches off Hwy. 2 just east of the Waskesiu townside, and No. 240, which enters the park from the south and links with 263 just outside the entry fee-collection gates.
The park ranges in elevation from 488 metres (1,601 ft) on the western side to 724 metres (2,375 ft) on the eastern side.
Good day for a trip to the park!  Let's go!  Looks beautiful!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016 Monday #anywhereworkout#earlybed#UncleMarty#theBritisharecoming#

Get Fit
There are a set of exercises that you can do for strength, agility and stretching.  No equipment needed except maybe a chair.  You can get it at,  You wont be sorry and you can take the sheet along on vacation or wherever you go.

Get Faith
Proverbs 29:17  Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.  This was the verse and the study writer  said "The persons hardest to convince they are at retirement age are children at bedtime."  Turns out it is bad when kids can kick back Bible verses as well as you can.  Arm yourself with the final word.  Not sure what she meant. Interesting.

On this day
2004  It was a sad day.  After a month in the hospital the brain aneurysms took our friend Marty.  He was the kind of guy that their were so many "Marty stories" out there, we still hear new ones.  Marty had lived here with us for seven years, Uncle Marty to my kids and a dear friend to me.  Someone you never forget.  RIP

1775 - American revolutionaries Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott rode though the towns of Massachusetts giving the warning that the Regulars were coming out. Later, the phrase "the British are coming" was attributed to Revere even though it is unlikely he used that wording. I'm disappointed I thought that was a lock in history!

I failed at putting kids to bed.  I soon realized that my best effort at getting them to go to bed was to absolutely tire them out all day.  If that failed I put the tv on with a video till they fell asleep.
They are ok, they both go to bed on their own now (38 & 30), well Nicole still watches TV till she falls asleep, but then so do I.  What do you wish you had done better raising kids?  

Prince Albert Canada
Orpheum..Prince Albert SK Canada 1950s | Flickr - Photo Sharing!Not sure this is current the cars look old.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 Sunday #God'sday#badcoach#excatholic#faithoptions#CanadianPacificRR

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 5:14   But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.  This is not popular thinking  today but as a Lutheran, Missouri Synod raised, it was taught to me that this is the Lord's Day.  The purpose of worship is to praise the Lord.  It is not about you.  It isn't even about how much you enjoy it.  Although if pleasing God makes you happy this is your chance!  One hour on Sunday morning is the given in this day and age.  One hour to sit in church to be with others who worship the same God that you do.  One hour of your entire week to make God happy by being there.  I'm sorry if the sermon didn't raise your awareness or give you the warm fuzzies, even Pastors have off days.  But just as elderly parents are thrilled to see their offspring - so is God, he loves your faces and your souls.  Don't tell me about how you love the service because  "the music was great" or the "message really spoke to me" or even the flowers, which are placed on the altar for God's pleasure.  Someone hit a nerve with me this morning on facebook.  PS  I love millennials.  

On this day
2003  Nicole was a senior in high school and had played sports every opportunity.  She played basketball in fall, volleyball in winter and softball in Spring.  Then that changed to  basketball in fall, volleyball in winter and soccer in spring.  She had played softball since she was 5, was a great shortstop, but it was her decision to switch to soccer, as their goalie.  It was her decision, I wasn't happy, but hey,  that's life.  This year she decided that she would play softball and soccer at the same time.  It was ok with everyone except the soccer coach.  Lesson learned, there are rules, albeit stupid, but rules just the same.  On this day her and I had a knockdown  - shout out about it.  Also a learning experience.

1521 - Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Another example of thinking our rules more important than God's love and understanding.

The other night I met with a group at church and we discussed certain aspects of our faith.  One of these related to Saul being brought to faith as an adult, very surprisingly, and Timothy who was born and baptized into the faith as an infant.  Is there a better way to be brought to faith?  One or the other?  
Prince Albert Canada

Canadian National and Canadian Pacific[edit]

For years the Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway dominated the city of Prince Albert, operating on both sides of 15th Street. The Canadian Pacific Railway branched off at Lanigan moving north up to Hagen, then under trackage rights with CN, and curved towards the northeast end of Prince Albert. This was CPR's principal northern site, with many of the branch lines feeding back to Prince Albert. These branch lines almost entirely served lumber mills and grain elevators as principal commodities.
In 1991 CPR decided to shut down rail line operations in Prince Albert and the surrounding area. CPR sold the Meadow Lake line to CN, and abandoned the Meath Park branch up toChoiceland. Many small CN branch lines extended past Prince Albert hauling primarily grain, but proved ineffective due to larger and more accessible grain elevators. As a result, many were abandoned through the 1990s. Lines that have been abandoned include the Paddockwood Spur (CN), CPR to Meath Park, CPR to Lanigan, CN to Shellbrook, and CN to St. Louis. As grain storage and sorting technology improved over the years, a state of the art Inland elevator was built, located north of Prince Albert. This facility was owned by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, later succeeded by Viterra. The smaller elevator located in the CN yards — owned by United Grain Growers, later acquired by Agricore United which was also succeeded by Viterra — operated in Prince Albert until Viterra announced its cease of operations on April 1, 2008. Today, only the Inland terminal owned by Viterra, located in White Star, continues to operate.
In December 1997, CN announced the branch line was up for sale due to lack of productivity. The engines primarily used by CN at the time were GMD1s for short haul and yard shunting, and EMD SD40-2W/EMD SD40-2s for long-haul trips. CP utilized switchers due in part to the light rail on many of their branch lines. These switchers were manufactured by Montreal Locomotive Works (Bombardier) and were designated as RS-23
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016 Saturday #routine#Godcalling#moreroutine#learning#trainride!

Get Fit
Do you have a regular Saturday schedule for work outs or walks or anything?  Besides breakfast?  I'm thinking this AM yoga is my Saturday go to!  Do what works best for you - except the big breakfast.

Get Faith
Luke 18:17 "Verily I say unto you,  Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."  I will guess that more people have been brought to faith as an adult than as a child.  Whole nations were made Christians depending on the new leader.  I agree that it is a blessing to have been raised in a faithful family, (I was not really) but it is more the exception than the rule these days.  It is never too late to get faith.  Studying God's word is the best way, so just hanging with others won't build your faith,  it isn't contagious, well maybe in some ways it is - what do you think?  God is calling.

On this day
2002  It was 90 degrees this day.  I met my cousins for dinner, back then it was Kay, Nancy Q, Kathy V. Barb and Waynette and myself.  The group has shifted.  Kay and Kathy are in Florida most of the year and Nancy quit coming, but others have taken the places and we still, after 20+ years meet every month.  It is a good way to keep in touch.  The key is to set the meeting the night you meet for the next month, and whoever can make it, does.  If you try to adjust you find that, someone else can't make it another day and you have to start picking - if you are the coordinator.  Just stick to it!  They will catch up next month

2002 - The U.S. Supreme Court overturned major parts of a 1996 child pornography law based on rights to free speech. If you are inclined, might be interesting to look into.

I'm sorry but I disagree wholeheartedly with the concept of letting a child choose their faith formation for themselves when they are old enough.  How about letting them choose their own food, or when they want to go to school or what they want to learn there?  How about not giving them any boundaries, or set rules, ie; the five year old that got paddled in school the other day.  Now if you don't have those basic knowledge patterns I understand you not teaching them to your child - and the world will have to deal with that.  C'mon let me know your opinion.

Prince Albert Canada


Canadian Northern & Grand Trunk Pacific[edit]

Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Company (QLSRSC) arrived in Prince Albert in October 1890 as a means to link the three major cities of Saskatchewan through one railroad. For the next few years the line was seldom used, and in order to raise capital, QLSRSC leased the line out to the Canadian Pacific Railway.[48] Canadian Pacific soon realized the economic uncertainty of the line, and the lease was cancelled after only a few years of service.
By 1906, less than twenty years after the line was completed, it was sold to the Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR). Canadian Northern also crossed the North Saskatchewan River, heading west towards Shellbrook. Prince Albert was slated to become a northern hub for rail service into the north, however with little economic activity in the area, no branch lines were ever extended into the north except for the Paddockwood spur, which was subsequently abandoned during the 1990s as a grain-dependent branch line.
Grand Trunk Pacific (GTP) also serviced Prince Albert through a branch line that headed north from Young, through St. Louis and North into Prince Albert. Later both the CNoR and GTP were nationalized, eventually becoming the Canadian National Railway (CN).[49]  This is only one report of RR in this area.  Maybe we will take a railroad tour on one of our travels.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ann, Charna, Janet & Rebekka!

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 Friday #Spring!#heart#Easter#

Get Fit
Going to be a beautiful weekend here in Michigan - get out and walk!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:7  "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...."  You can generally tell what is in 
a persons heart by the way they conduct themselves, don't you think?  God knows what is 
in our hearts, not in an invasive way, but because he has known you since your creation 
and will till eternity.  You aren't alone and you are loved.

On this day
2001 - It was Easter and I went to church early to help make breakfast.  Mom, Alice, Nicole, 
Lindsey and her friend came to church later.  Andy was missing, I think he must have been 
still working for the Police Dept. He called later in the day.  Uncle Marty came and we all 
had dinner and played Uno.  Every year is different.

1784 - The first balloon was flown in Ireland. How exciting I wonder what the occasion was.

Lots of unusual parenting stories lately.  The five year old boy that was spanked with a paddle in 
Georgia was hot news today.  A few states still allow corporal punishment, with Georgia being
one of them.  There was no question his behavior was out of line, the mother had already done
jail time because he wasn't in school enough, more to the story than just the horror of one five year
old boy getting hit once with a paddle.  There is more going on there than one paddle is going
to correct.  The mother and child need counseling.  Whats your take on this?

Prince Albert Canada


The Diefenbaker Bridge at Prince Albert
At present, only a single road bridge, the Diefenbaker Bridge, connects the north and south shore in Prince Albert; this bridge is also the only river crossing connecting southern and northern Saskatchewan in the immediate vicinity (one needs to drive many miles to the east or west to find another).
This has long been a subject of concern in the region, especially in light of a partial closure of the bridge in August 2011 that occurred when cracks were found during an inspection.[46] Grassroots efforts are under way to lobby for the construction of a second bridge over the North Saskatchewan River within Prince Albert.[47]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Carol and Dan!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016 Thursday #soups#visitHim#crazyclothes#pacts?#St May#museumday!

Get Fit
 #health#food   Soups can be nourishing and a good way to loose weight!

Get Fatih
Hebrews 13:5  ."....for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake, thee."  We very often leave Him though.  Keep your relationship close with God - go visit Him.  

On this day
2014  Nicole and Laura had their last baseball game of the season and then after dinner I took them to the Salvation Army store.  This tells me one thing.  There was something going on at school that they had to "dress up" for.  They were the most entertaining people I have ever seen.  I hope they (all of them) never forget the great times they had in high school and I will do my part to remind them, here.  

2000 - After five years of deadlock, Russia approved the START II treaty that calls for the scrapping of U.S. and Russian nuclear warheads. The Russian government warned it would abandon all arms-control pacts if Washington continued with an anti-missile system.   16 years later.....

The study writer for the above Get Faith today mentioned a woman who was a nursemaid to a family that had a child born without eyes, mentally impaired and with cerebral palsy.  She told the family she would take the infant home and care for it as it wasn't supposed to live long.  There was little change in his behavior but she continued to nurture, sing and care for the child.  At 16 he began to walk and years later played the piano and talked.  Her name was May Lemke.  I think it should be Saint May Lemke.

Prince Albert Canada


Prince Albert Historical Museum
Prince Albert Arts Centre (photo by Carolyn Carleton)
There are three historical museums in Prince Albert. The combined The Evolution of Education Museum and Rotary Museum of Police and Corrections are located at the tourist information centre just off of Highway #2 South. The second museum, the Historical Society Museum, is located in an old Fire Hall at the north end of Central Avenue on River Street. The John G. Diefenbaker House is a historic site open to the public and is found on 249 19th Street West. The Prince Albert Heritage Museum (c. 1911) is a Municipal Heritage Property on the Canadian Register of Historic Places.[39]
Across from the Historical Society Museum, is the site of Diefenbaker's constituency office that is not open to the public. Among the other heritage, historic and protected sites of Prince Albert are the Blockhouse from the 1885 Rebellion & First Presbyterian Church/School, Historic St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Honeywood (Dr. A.J. Porter) Heritage Nursery, Keyhole CastleLaColle Falls Hydroelectric Dam, Oldest Downtown Store, Prince Albert Arts Centre and The Cathedral Church of St. Alban the Martyr (Anglican).[40] Sacred Heart Cathedral (Roman Catholic) near the downtown area was built in 1914 in the Romanesque style. It contains paintings by Berthold Imhoff.[41] The Institute for Stained Glass in Canada has documented the stained glass of six buildings in Prince Albert.[42]  Let's visit these today!!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe K and Nancy W!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016 Tuesday #Badhabits#firstmom#warmEaster#healthychoices#shutthegate

Get Fit
Bad habits are our enemies because they hinder us from being the person we want to be. Joyce Meyer  We all have these -- the first step is to get started fighting back!  eat right, get enough sleep and exercise!!  You can do it!

Get Faith
Genesis 4:1 "...and she conceived....and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord."  This was about Eve, the first mother, the first woman to go through child birth.  Can you imagine in that primitive time what she must have wondered and feared?  There was no one for her to ask "how"?  She was the first and we all know how much help men are at that time. (jk)

On this day
1998 - This day was Easter and Nicole had to acolyte at the 7AM service.  We had breakfast at church after that, Andy and Alice and Mom were with us too.  Nicole and I went over to Grandma and Grandpa McCarthy's for a while and then came home and made dinner.  The most remarkable thing is that it was 70 degrees and beautiful.  All the kids were here, Aaron, Merri, Lindsey and Nicole, a great day for driveway basketball.

1204 - The Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople. Was this a war or a football game?

The four kids mentioned above were all very fit, thin and active.  They loved to be outside and whatever game they could come up with.  Now they are all young adults.  Merri and Lindsey run marathons, Aaron has 3 children which I'm sure keep him pretty active and Nicole runs a summer camp for kids and activities all year.  Start your children off on good healthy choices and chances are they will stay that way through their lives.

Prince Albert Canada
Prince Albert is situated on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, with rich agricultural land to the south and the boreal forest to the north. Although Prince Albert is centrally located in Saskatchewan, it is the second most northerly city in the province after Meadow Lake. This physical location has led to the creation of the slogan "Gateway to the North".
After being established as a mission centre, the main impetus for growth was speculation that the Transcontinental Railway would travel north from the Red River Valley along Hind's fertile belt through to Edmonton.[31] When the Canadian Pacific Railway chose a more southerly route, Prince Albert's growth collapsed:[32]
By 1914, Prince Albert had become the terminus of four railway branch lines. However, neither the Hudson Bay and Pacific or the Canadian Northern had started any line to the north. In all, the city had not become the great gateway to north as it had planned.
— City of Prince Albert Website[16]   Follow this story it goes on from here, interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!