Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016 Friday #hundreds#reachout#hidingcandy#Seabeggars#goodheart#PrinceAlbert#Aprilfools

Get Fit
I did a little Pilates today.  Try the hundreds to start - you might like it.  Get your core strength.

Get Faith
John 15:13  "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  We usually think of a soldier when we hear this, but people lay down their lives for one another everyday. Reaching out to someone is good for your heart and your soul.  Your father in heaven sees what you do when you help someone.

On this day
2015 - Mom had been moved from the hospital to rehab and then to St Mary's nursing home.  She was treated well there but it was depressing.  They even managed to keep her in a single room, no room mate.  On this day I took some Easter decor over to put in her room and the caregivers came in and oohed and aahed.  They liked the Easter candy I left for the aides too, but then Mom hid it.  We laughed about it.  She wasn't good about sharing candy.

1572 - The Sea Beggars under Guillaume de la Marck landed in Holland and captured the small town of Briel.  This, again sounds like a great subject to investigate.

I went to work for a friend recently and am getting an earful from his employees.  He is hard to work for but has a heart of gold - the mechanic said that when he and his wife both found out they had cancer the boss took care of them and had help from others to help with their medical bills.  Greater love hath no man......

Prince Albert Peninsula  
Prince Albert Peninsula is located on northwest Victoria Island in the Northwest TerritoriesCanada. It is separated from Banks Island by the Prince of Wales Strait. Two large waterways,Richard Collinson Inlet and Minto Inlet are to the north and south respectively. The Hudson's Bay Company's former trading post, Fort Collinson, is located on the south end of the peninsula.
It was named by Edward Augustus Inglefield.[  Here we are at our next location!  Enjoy!
Narrows Peninsula Hiking Trail, Prince Albert National Park - # ...

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marty!  

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