Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 Sunday #God'sday#badcoach#excatholic#faithoptions#CanadianPacificRR

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 5:14   But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.  This is not popular thinking  today but as a Lutheran, Missouri Synod raised, it was taught to me that this is the Lord's Day.  The purpose of worship is to praise the Lord.  It is not about you.  It isn't even about how much you enjoy it.  Although if pleasing God makes you happy this is your chance!  One hour on Sunday morning is the given in this day and age.  One hour to sit in church to be with others who worship the same God that you do.  One hour of your entire week to make God happy by being there.  I'm sorry if the sermon didn't raise your awareness or give you the warm fuzzies, even Pastors have off days.  But just as elderly parents are thrilled to see their offspring - so is God, he loves your faces and your souls.  Don't tell me about how you love the service because  "the music was great" or the "message really spoke to me" or even the flowers, which are placed on the altar for God's pleasure.  Someone hit a nerve with me this morning on facebook.  PS  I love millennials.  

On this day
2003  Nicole was a senior in high school and had played sports every opportunity.  She played basketball in fall, volleyball in winter and softball in Spring.  Then that changed to  basketball in fall, volleyball in winter and soccer in spring.  She had played softball since she was 5, was a great shortstop, but it was her decision to switch to soccer, as their goalie.  It was her decision, I wasn't happy, but hey,  that's life.  This year she decided that she would play softball and soccer at the same time.  It was ok with everyone except the soccer coach.  Lesson learned, there are rules, albeit stupid, but rules just the same.  On this day her and I had a knockdown  - shout out about it.  Also a learning experience.

1521 - Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Another example of thinking our rules more important than God's love and understanding.

The other night I met with a group at church and we discussed certain aspects of our faith.  One of these related to Saul being brought to faith as an adult, very surprisingly, and Timothy who was born and baptized into the faith as an infant.  Is there a better way to be brought to faith?  One or the other?  
Prince Albert Canada

Canadian National and Canadian Pacific[edit]

For years the Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway dominated the city of Prince Albert, operating on both sides of 15th Street. The Canadian Pacific Railway branched off at Lanigan moving north up to Hagen, then under trackage rights with CN, and curved towards the northeast end of Prince Albert. This was CPR's principal northern site, with many of the branch lines feeding back to Prince Albert. These branch lines almost entirely served lumber mills and grain elevators as principal commodities.
In 1991 CPR decided to shut down rail line operations in Prince Albert and the surrounding area. CPR sold the Meadow Lake line to CN, and abandoned the Meath Park branch up toChoiceland. Many small CN branch lines extended past Prince Albert hauling primarily grain, but proved ineffective due to larger and more accessible grain elevators. As a result, many were abandoned through the 1990s. Lines that have been abandoned include the Paddockwood Spur (CN), CPR to Meath Park, CPR to Lanigan, CN to Shellbrook, and CN to St. Louis. As grain storage and sorting technology improved over the years, a state of the art Inland elevator was built, located north of Prince Albert. This facility was owned by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, later succeeded by Viterra. The smaller elevator located in the CN yards — owned by United Grain Growers, later acquired by Agricore United which was also succeeded by Viterra — operated in Prince Albert until Viterra announced its cease of operations on April 1, 2008. Today, only the Inland terminal owned by Viterra, located in White Star, continues to operate.
In December 1997, CN announced the branch line was up for sale due to lack of productivity. The engines primarily used by CN at the time were GMD1s for short haul and yard shunting, and EMD SD40-2W/EMD SD40-2s for long-haul trips. CP utilized switchers due in part to the light rail on many of their branch lines. These switchers were manufactured by Montreal Locomotive Works (Bombardier) and were designated as RS-23
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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