Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 Friday #Spring!#heart#Easter#

Get Fit
Going to be a beautiful weekend here in Michigan - get out and walk!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:7  "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...."  You can generally tell what is in 
a persons heart by the way they conduct themselves, don't you think?  God knows what is 
in our hearts, not in an invasive way, but because he has known you since your creation 
and will till eternity.  You aren't alone and you are loved.

On this day
2001 - It was Easter and I went to church early to help make breakfast.  Mom, Alice, Nicole, 
Lindsey and her friend came to church later.  Andy was missing, I think he must have been 
still working for the Police Dept. He called later in the day.  Uncle Marty came and we all 
had dinner and played Uno.  Every year is different.

1784 - The first balloon was flown in Ireland. How exciting I wonder what the occasion was.

Lots of unusual parenting stories lately.  The five year old boy that was spanked with a paddle in 
Georgia was hot news today.  A few states still allow corporal punishment, with Georgia being
one of them.  There was no question his behavior was out of line, the mother had already done
jail time because he wasn't in school enough, more to the story than just the horror of one five year
old boy getting hit once with a paddle.  There is more going on there than one paddle is going
to correct.  The mother and child need counseling.  Whats your take on this?

Prince Albert Canada


The Diefenbaker Bridge at Prince Albert
At present, only a single road bridge, the Diefenbaker Bridge, connects the north and south shore in Prince Albert; this bridge is also the only river crossing connecting southern and northern Saskatchewan in the immediate vicinity (one needs to drive many miles to the east or west to find another).
This has long been a subject of concern in the region, especially in light of a partial closure of the bridge in August 2011 that occurred when cracks were found during an inspection.[46] Grassroots efforts are under way to lobby for the construction of a second bridge over the North Saskatchewan River within Prince Albert.[47]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Carol and Dan!!

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