Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7, 2016 Thursday #Jillian#marriage#substitute#family#BattleofDuckLake

Get Fit
I did circuit training with Jillian today.  I like to get a mix through the week of different things, like Pilates, yoga, aerobics, stretching, dancing, weights etc.  For one thing I get bored doing the same thing all the time.  We all have to do what works best for us.  I still need to get walking in.  I was never a fan of a treadmill but it is beginning to look better after these long winters.

Get Faith
Genesis 2:24  "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh."  The best life for comfort, strength, and meaning comes from God's plan.  Those fortunate enough to find this can have a life built on trust, raise a family and share all that life offers together.  It also provides a help mate to weather those bad times.  God's plan hasn't fared well in today's world.

On this day
1983 - I am blessed with many friends that I have been blessed with for many years.  On this day I was on the phone with Pam, Norma and Waynette - three women whose friendship I still treasure and talk to weekly.  We support each other, share sorrow and anger and joy, lots of joy.

1983 - Specialist Story Musgrave and Don Peterson made the first Space Shuttle spacewalk. 

1983 - The Chinese government canceled all remaining sports and cultural exchanges with the U.S. for 1983.   Out of this world and the other side of this world.  

For those of us lucky enough to have close family - life is good.  I consider family to be those blood related and those that have been so close they have assimilated into family.  Having not been successful at marriage, I have had to leave a lot of friends and family because my relationship has ended with him.  I envy people that got married at 20, had children and have stayed together in that tight knit bond, in a perfect world.  On the other hand, I am thankful for all the great people that I have met in my life and shared happy times with.  How about you?  

Prince Albert Canada
In 1884, Honore Jaxon and James Isbister were involved in the movement which brought Louis Riel back to Canada. Riel returned from the United States following a political exile resulting from the Red River Rebellion that had occurred in 1869–1870. Five hundred people gathered to hear Riel speak one month after his return.
In the Northwest Rebellion of the 1885, Prince Albert Volunteers bore the heaviest casualties of the fighting at the Battle of Duck Lake. Surrounding settlers took refuge with the North-West Mounted Police in a hastily improvised stockade at Prince Albert, fearing an attack byGabriel Dumont, which never came. After the Battle of Batoche, Major General Frederick Middleton marched to Prince Albert to relieve the town. Prince Albert, with a population of about 800 people, was incorporated as a town the same year under its first mayor, Thomas McKay.[14]In 1904, the settlement was incorporated as the City of Prince Albert. Its government is of a council-mayor type.  It seems all of our histories include warfare of some type, will we ever grow out of that?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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