Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016 Monday #Pilates#alsoreap#Wow#trade#eldercheck#Amy's!

Having some difficulty with my blog lately, hope it is corrected now.

Get Fit
 A little core strengthening Pilates to start the week.  Makes sense to start at the core, doesn't it?

Get Faith
Galatians 6:7  "...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Most of us have heard this in a lot of different forms.  "You get what you give" "What goes around comes around" etc. It is self explanatory.

On this day
2006  Some days are just bad news.  I called my friend Gerry and she was down with the flu.  I called Cheryl and her mate, Kevin was in the hospital with pneumonia.  Later in the day I had to go to my cousin Sandy's husband, Bill's funeral.  This last week has been a lot like that but, you have to keep your chin up and keep going.  We seldom say - "Wow", nothing bad happened this week, maybe we should be more aware of those times.

1860 - The first Japanese diplomats to visit a foreign power reached Washington, DC. They remained in the U.S. capital for several weeks while discussing expansion of trade with the United StatesAnd so it began.

At lunch today with some friends from church it seemed like everyone had a similar story to relate.  All of them had an occurance of people preying on elderly people in their care.  One story was a niece, a lawyer that in handling her grandparents affairs wrote herself in as THE only heir in a very large family.  She almost got away with it.  Another story was a caregiver that talked the mother into signing a lot of papers that gave her control of the woman's finances and it worked.  The woman was completely broke.  Another, my friend and her family put a video camera in their dads room when a few things went missing.  Late in the evening they tuned in to find a man sleeping on the dad's couch after snacking on food from his refrigerator.  This same man disabled a light that flashed to let their dad, who is deaf know when someone came into the apartment.  That man no longer has a job.  Just a note to not be to trusting when it comes to your parents care, check often!

Prince Edward Canada 

Amy's On Second Restaurant

Amy's On Second Restaurant

#1 of 87 Restaurants in Prince Albert   
Price: $8 - $28  Map                               Let's have lunch here!
Visitor photos (3) 
 Menu  Let's have lunch here today!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue B!

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