Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9, 2016 Saturday #Start!#spoil#Mark#GodBlesstheChildthathashisown#nature

Get Fit

Get Fit Body - Nutrition, Workouts and Health  Obviously still time to get ready for Spring clothes.  Get busy with your workouts!!  Make this the year you start the program you keep for the rest of your life!

Get Faith
Proverbs 29:15    "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."  In an act to give in to all the love we have for a child we can steal that child's ability to make themselves happy.  In comparison, look how God has tried to get his children (us) to live the lives he intended for us and how miserable we can make ourselves.  And then, saved us by sacrificing His son Jesus Christ to pay our debt.  Are we spoiled or what?  How much does He love us?

On this day
1986  One of my biggest joys is to know that my kid brother Mark got to spend time with my daughter Nicole.  On this day, he and mom babysat her while I worked my part time job.  We went over to my brother Andy's later that day to celebrate my niece Lindsey's birthday, she turned seven.  Mark was her Godfather.  Family means so much!

1986 - It was announced that Patrick Duffy's character on the TV show Dallas would be returning after being killed off. When did we become so shallow that make believe characters on tv show up in world news items years later?

The study writer today posted this "An infallible way to make your child miserable is to satisfy all his demands."  I probably drifted somewhat into that area, but I think my daughter has become self sufficient enough to have moved past any damage done.  How about yours?

Prince Albert Canada


Prince Albert is located on the White Fox Plain of the Saskatchewan River lowlands. These lowlands are located in the physiographic region of the Saskatchewan Plains Region of the Central Lowlands Province.[20]:40, 41 The natural vegetation of the area consists of aspen parkland to the south and southern boreal forest to the north of the North Saskatchewan River.[20] These two ecoregions have differing soil types: the northern forested soils are brunisolic and sandy, whereas south of the river are black chernozemic soils.[20]:131, 131 The North Saskatchewan River runs through the centre of Prince Albert. The main soils of the city of Prince Albert are those of the valley complex consisting mainly of regosolic soils which produce natural vegetation which are not forest nor grassland but a complex of the two.[20]:70, 71 It is here that the treeline of Saskatchewan begins, and to the north of the city begins the forested growth of Jack Pine(Pinus banksiana), as well as other boreal forest growth in the Prince Albert National Park, and Nisbet forest The forests north of the city, especially those containing Jack Pine are infected with Dwarf Mistletoe and various projects have been undertaken to stop the spread of this parasitic plant.[20]:92, 93 The agricultural soils around Prince Albert have some limitations and about 35% of the land is covered with sloughs or potholes. Creek systems such as the Red Deer Hill creek and McFarlane creek drain into the South Saskatchewan River. In the past these creeks have been known to dry up allowing farmers to cut hay, but in recent years these waterways have been overfilling due to large amounts of winter run-off and increase of the water table.[20]:106, 107 The land use is divided into the southern woodland area north of Prince Albert and cropland to the south.[20]:110, 111
The Quaternary glacial geology precludes the region to have been covered by the large prehistoric glacial lake called Lake Agassiz. The ancient shoreline can be seen along the "Esker Trail" in Narrow Hills Provincial Park which is just North-East of the City. Many different types of fossils have been found in the Prince Albert region. Along the riverbanks of the Shell River it can be observed a strata containing Quaternary bivalve mollusk shells and in 2014 the vertebrate and bone fragments of a bison were found by local college students attending Saskatchewan Polytechnic in the Shell River area. Various areas (especially eroded river banks) have been known to reveal bison skulls and other various types of fossils. Claims have also been made of various types of marine fossils including oysters, clams, corals and other invertebrates are to be found mixed in fossil matrixes just east of the city near the small town of Love, SK..[21] The bedrock geology is a part of the phanerozoic basin and belongs to the Lea Park and Milk River Formation.[20]:76, 77  This sounds like a great place to go for a walk and investigate the natural gifts 
available here!  Marty B  you would love this place I think!  Vacation?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Lindsey, Megan, Julie and James!

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