Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 3, 2016 Sunday #Giver#Sandy&Nan#lawyers?#

Get Faith
Acts 20-35  It is more blessed to give than to receive."  As my friend Jeff says "I'm a giver" referring to himself - and I laugh, but it is true, I know that.  Most of the people I know are givers, of their time and their talents and their resources.  It feels better doesn't it?  BTW  God is a giver, he gave us this earth,our loved ones and the promise of eternal life. What an example!

On this day
1974  My friend Sandy and I went to our friend Nancy's for dinner.  She had married Frank and they had a beautiful ranch home.  Nan had decorated it to the t's.  Some people have a natural knack for that kind of thing, oh and the money to do it.  We three had been friends since grade school.  I'm sure it was a night of great conversation.

1776 - George Washington received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Harvard College . So, our first president was a lawyer?  Not sure if that is good or not, what are your thoughts? Oh honory.

I have a newer group of friends that I have been meeting with once a week for five years or so.  It is my "travelers" group.  Every month I tell them what city/sea/state we are in and we research it for a month.  Last night we met to celebrate the Sea of Okhotsk, where we were in March.  There were a lot of fish dishes, caviar and the meat pies that every month the Bays insist are, whale, chicken, beef or whatever relates to the locale.  This moth it was seal.  They tasted the same.  Oh, and vodka. 

Prince Albert Canada

Wow I'm impressed!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chris J.

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