Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016 Saturday #routine#Godcalling#moreroutine#learning#trainride!

Get Fit
Do you have a regular Saturday schedule for work outs or walks or anything?  Besides breakfast?  I'm thinking this AM yoga is my Saturday go to!  Do what works best for you - except the big breakfast.

Get Faith
Luke 18:17 "Verily I say unto you,  Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."  I will guess that more people have been brought to faith as an adult than as a child.  Whole nations were made Christians depending on the new leader.  I agree that it is a blessing to have been raised in a faithful family, (I was not really) but it is more the exception than the rule these days.  It is never too late to get faith.  Studying God's word is the best way, so just hanging with others won't build your faith,  it isn't contagious, well maybe in some ways it is - what do you think?  God is calling.

On this day
2002  It was 90 degrees this day.  I met my cousins for dinner, back then it was Kay, Nancy Q, Kathy V. Barb and Waynette and myself.  The group has shifted.  Kay and Kathy are in Florida most of the year and Nancy quit coming, but others have taken the places and we still, after 20+ years meet every month.  It is a good way to keep in touch.  The key is to set the meeting the night you meet for the next month, and whoever can make it, does.  If you try to adjust you find that, someone else can't make it another day and you have to start picking - if you are the coordinator.  Just stick to it!  They will catch up next month

2002 - The U.S. Supreme Court overturned major parts of a 1996 child pornography law based on rights to free speech. If you are inclined, might be interesting to look into.

I'm sorry but I disagree wholeheartedly with the concept of letting a child choose their faith formation for themselves when they are old enough.  How about letting them choose their own food, or when they want to go to school or what they want to learn there?  How about not giving them any boundaries, or set rules, ie; the five year old that got paddled in school the other day.  Now if you don't have those basic knowledge patterns I understand you not teaching them to your child - and the world will have to deal with that.  C'mon let me know your opinion.

Prince Albert Canada


Canadian Northern & Grand Trunk Pacific[edit]

Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Company (QLSRSC) arrived in Prince Albert in October 1890 as a means to link the three major cities of Saskatchewan through one railroad. For the next few years the line was seldom used, and in order to raise capital, QLSRSC leased the line out to the Canadian Pacific Railway.[48] Canadian Pacific soon realized the economic uncertainty of the line, and the lease was cancelled after only a few years of service.
By 1906, less than twenty years after the line was completed, it was sold to the Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR). Canadian Northern also crossed the North Saskatchewan River, heading west towards Shellbrook. Prince Albert was slated to become a northern hub for rail service into the north, however with little economic activity in the area, no branch lines were ever extended into the north except for the Paddockwood spur, which was subsequently abandoned during the 1990s as a grain-dependent branch line.
Grand Trunk Pacific (GTP) also serviced Prince Albert through a branch line that headed north from Young, through St. Louis and North into Prince Albert. Later both the CNoR and GTP were nationalized, eventually becoming the Canadian National Railway (CN).[49]  This is only one report of RR in this area.  Maybe we will take a railroad tour on one of our travels.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ann, Charna, Janet & Rebekka!

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