Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27, 2016 Wednesday #Disco!#Samuel#Lifebuilders#Faith#Powwow!

Get Fit
Need an energy boost!  Did a little Disco with Richard today!  Dance is good for the heart, the muscles, the balance and the soul.

Get Faith
1 Samuel 1:27, 28 "For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:  Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord: as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord..."  Samuel's mother pleaded with the Lord for a son and when he finally gave her a son, she took the child at two and gave him to the priests to learn to be in service to God.  What mother can do that?  What devotion to God.

On this day
2013  Our church had a workshop to highlight a group called Lifebuilders.  It is a couple from Grosse Pointe that put their entire life into restoring a one square mile of Detroit, through property renovation, senior lunches and help, after school children's programs and much more.  They are still at it, better than ever if you would like to help.  There are angels among us.

1296 - Scots were defeated by Edward I at the Battle of Dunbar. I always thought my ancestors were tougher than this.

I am ever thankful for my daughter's faith.  I would like to believe I had something to do with it but knowing what I know,it goes beyond that.  I was the driver that got her to church, the sunday school teacher that showed her how to be a teacher of faith and the encourager of social involvement in church for fun, but it was the Spirit that had her heart and led her to be the great Christian that she is.  I don't mean to preach, well ok, I guess I am - there isn't a better place to take your child.

Prince Albert Canada  

Pow Wow

by Benson35 Updated Oct 21, 2012
We were very lucky to share in this Native tradition in Prince Albert. As my Auntie is a Native from the Cree tribe, she goes every year to show her support and watch her Grandchildren dance.
Everybody participating in the Pow Wow dress in traditional (sometimes exaggerated I'm told) clothes. They are all handmade, colourful and the bead-work very intricate.
There are traditional dance competitions for money. The categories are Adult Male, Adult Female, boys and girls. The Native people of all tribes are able to take part, and some travel for days to get to the Pow Wow.
It is free to park and free to watch.

It is held in the Art Hauser Centre which is the home of the Raiders, the ice hockey team. The dance competitions are held on the ice (covered of course), so spectators need to wear something warm as the temperatures are low.

As you walk into the building, there are stalls selling toys, jewellery, t-shirts, jackets, bead belts and more. The majority of these items are handmade by the owners of the stall.

I enjoyed learning about this tradition and I also saw myself a Canadian Mountie!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lucas, Taylor and Tim!!

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