Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016 Monday #anywhereworkout#earlybed#UncleMarty#theBritisharecoming#

Get Fit
There are a set of exercises that you can do for strength, agility and stretching.  No equipment needed except maybe a chair.  You can get it at,  You wont be sorry and you can take the sheet along on vacation or wherever you go.

Get Faith
Proverbs 29:17  Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.  This was the verse and the study writer  said "The persons hardest to convince they are at retirement age are children at bedtime."  Turns out it is bad when kids can kick back Bible verses as well as you can.  Arm yourself with the final word.  Not sure what she meant. Interesting.

On this day
2004  It was a sad day.  After a month in the hospital the brain aneurysms took our friend Marty.  He was the kind of guy that their were so many "Marty stories" out there, we still hear new ones.  Marty had lived here with us for seven years, Uncle Marty to my kids and a dear friend to me.  Someone you never forget.  RIP

1775 - American revolutionaries Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott rode though the towns of Massachusetts giving the warning that the Regulars were coming out. Later, the phrase "the British are coming" was attributed to Revere even though it is unlikely he used that wording. I'm disappointed I thought that was a lock in history!

I failed at putting kids to bed.  I soon realized that my best effort at getting them to go to bed was to absolutely tire them out all day.  If that failed I put the tv on with a video till they fell asleep.
They are ok, they both go to bed on their own now (38 & 30), well Nicole still watches TV till she falls asleep, but then so do I.  What do you wish you had done better raising kids?  

Prince Albert Canada
Orpheum..Prince Albert SK Canada 1950s | Flickr - Photo Sharing!Not sure this is current the cars look old.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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