Friday, April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016 Friday #walkitoff#witness#flyakite#example#

Get Fit
Been having a problem with leg cramps so I did some leg exercises today to see if that helps.  I never think that resting is the answer.

Get Faith
Hebrews 10:23  "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering...."  The most important person you can witness to is your child, the study writer said and I agree.  This gift of the Gospel, this great love from our God and the promise of a future with Him, is not something you  want your children to miss.

On this day
1984 - I wasn't married to Mark yet - we were just getting used to being a family with Aaron who was six at the time.  We took him over to the school yard to fly a kite.  What a great memory of a nice day.
When was the last time you flew a kite?

1525 - Albert von Brandenburg, the leader of the Teutonic Order, assumes the title "Duke of Prussia" and passed the first laws of the Protestant church, making Prussia a Protestant state. This is another way to increase the church, not sure of the tactics.

Have you ever tried to convince your children of something you are not totally convinced of yourself?  I am pretty sure they can see through it.  Telling children not to smoke, use drugs or drink is not effective if you are doing it.  Let your children know that you think they should eat healthy and exercise if you don't set that example.  Do as I say, not as I do is not an effective parenting tool.  We all want our children to be better and better off than we are, unfortunately they don't always pick up our traits that we want them to pick up.  So, we have to be the better person, the better example and believe ourselves, what we want them to believe.

Prince Albert Canada
Prince Albert was the capital of the District of Saskatchewan, a regional administrative division of what then constituted the Northwest Territories. The District of Saskatchewan was formed on May 8, 1882, and named Prince Albert as its capital.[15] This ended in 1905 when Saskatchewan became a province and Regina was designated the new provincial capital.
Prince Albert was one of the rival candidates to house either the University of Saskatchewan or the Saskatchewan Federal Penitentiary. The university was built in Saskatoon and the penitentiary was built in Prince Albert in 1911.[16]
The federal constituency of Prince Albert has been represented by three prime ministers of Canada:

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Monna! 

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