Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 5, 2016 Tuesday #Stretch#encourage#historyrepeat#claymaster#kistahpinanihk!

Get Fit
Cold morning so I started out with the fireplace and Simple Stretch.  Some days that is the best I can do for myself.  Waiting for that warm weather to get walking outside.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 13:10 .:..in accordance with the authority which the Lord gave me, for  building up and not for tearing down."  We are intended to help each other, lift one another up and encourage each other to be better for God and ourselves.  Criticism rarely helps anyone.

On this day
1979 & 1980 - I noticed in both years I had pleurisy.  I also was working two jobs both years.  My family brought groceries and meals over and friends stopped by to check on me, both years on the same day.  History does repeat itself.

1933 - The first operation to remove a lung was performed at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO. I didn't need this but my cousin Peggy did.

There was a poem in the Bible Study today regarding a Mom that was shaping plastic clay and the form remained but was still soft.  Then she tried to change the form but it was hard and wouldn't change too easily.  It is necessary to form that soft clay into the right shape when you can, as it gets older it is harder to reshape it and finally you can't alter it at all.  Your children.

Prince Albert Canada


The area was named kistahpinanihk by the Cree, which translates to sitting pretty place,[6] "a great meeting place".[7] or "meeting place"[3]The Assiniboine name is wazíyam wákpa.[8]
The first white man to travel through the area that is now Prince Albert was Henry Kelsey in 1692. The first establishment in the area was a trading post set up in 1776 by Peter Pond.[9] James Isbister, an Anglo-Métis employee of the Hudson's Bay Company, settled on the site of the current city in 1862. He farmed there until 1866, and had been joined by a number of families who called the site Isbister's Settlement. If you build it they will come.
PrinceAlbert Tourism Information

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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