Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 Monday! #achylegs#Grace#Halloweenplay#Theses!

Get Fit
Do your legs ache? your hips? your knees?  I know mine do and as you know I exercise all the time.  My friend went to the doctor to find out why her hip hurt so much and he said "you have no muscle to support the bones".  She is an avid golfer.  He sent her to a therapist for exercise and massage.  It is helping.  So I am bumping up my exercising and though my legs were achy this morning I did a sheet of exercises for dancers, it was tough but I pushed on.  If I can walk to the computer tomorrow I will let you know how it is.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:3-9 Faith is the most precious commodity you can own.  vs 7 "the proven genuineness of your faith - of greater worth than gold..." As Pastor reminded us yesterday over and over in his sermon "we are saved by grace - through faith".  No amount of good works can save you, only faith.  I look at this way - to do good works in the name of God, grows your faith and shows praise to our God who has saved us through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Grace and peace be to you.

On this day
1986  Nicole was 17 months old and I apparently had a lot of energy and time.  I put a play and talent show together for 15 or so of the neighborhood kids.  We worked on it for weeks in advance and set up chairs in front of the garage.  When the garage door opened they put on the best rendition of Sleepy Hollow that anyone has seen.  Well maybe not but the 30+ parents and neighbors thought so.  After the play their were some great lip sync songs and dancing.  Aaron did Ghostbusters, Maria did True Colors from the heart, Duane sang a song about a loving family (not his) that ripped my heart out.  Really.  So much fun and a great memory.  My brother Mark was the sound director, it was his last gig, he died a month later, but he sure enjoyed that play.  Nicole was a little devil in red running back and forth across the stage.  Video on request.

1517 - Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace Church. The event marked the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany. By grace we are saved and not by works - got him kicked out of the Roman Catholic church.  Justification, the Catholic church now agrees.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claudia!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30, 2016 Sunday #answer#thedress#nepotism#t-shirt!

Get Faith
Samuel 3:1-10  "Here I am"  God was calling Samuel and Samuel did not recognize God's voice.  We are a lot like Samuel.  Very often God calls us and we don't know it is God, the Spirit reaching out to us to comfort, to lead, to request or maybe just to keep in touch.  Try listening and reply here I am.

On this day
1985  Nicole was only 5 months old and I was sitting Pam's 2 boys Jon and Sean.  I dropped the boys off at another friend, Kathy's place to watch the boys while I ran out to my husbands Aunt Pam's place to pick up a dress to wear to my 20 year reunion.  It was beautiful!  A soft white leather dress that was cut on the diagonal, with 3 tiers that flowed seductively when you walked.  Pam was a high class clothing designer and I was blessed by her generosity.  I gave this dress back but at a seasons end she sent bags of clothes over to me.  So, lucky.  Thanks Pam!!

1735 - John Adams, the second President of the United States, was born in Braintree, MA. His son became the sixth President of theU.S.  This was the first family to claim the throne, and the Roosevelts followed and then the Bushs, anymore?  Possibly the Clintons.

Soon to be moving on, lets take another look.  The Pom dish I served last night was labor intense but pretty good, try it!  

 How about a t-shirt to take home?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29, 2016 Saturday #heehaw#pray#ghouls#headless#Gold#

Get Fit
Dancing some country line dance with Denise in hope that it will give me energy for all the things on my todo list.

Get Faith
John 17:6-19  Jesus prayed for his disciples and for all of his followers - he prayed to God, his father. Jesus did not consider himself of this world and we should not either.  When we became followers of Christ we became members of the heavenly family.  We pray to God for  ourselves and others to keep us safe and keep us with Him.  Does the Bible tell us that in heaven our bodies are only for worshiping God and they are neither male nor female?  If you find that ( I am looking also) let me know, ok?  Always something to think about.

On this day
1981  I was dating Chuck who lived in Florida.  He flew in for the weekend and we were planning all types of Halloween fun for the kids, Merri and Lindsey, neighbors and friends here.  We all dressed in costumes, very elaborate with makeup etc.  It was a lot of fun and I have many pictures.  Now, I look back and realize it was probably way out of character for Chuck who turned out to have made his income in less than honest trades.

1618 - Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded under a sentence that had been brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against King James I. So much for a speedy trial, he must have appealed to a higher court.

Suriname is the 138th largest export economy in the world. In 2014, Suriname exported $1.82B and imported $2.04B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $224M. In 2014 the GDP of Suriname was $5.21B and its GDP per capita was $16.6k.
The top exports of Suriname are Gold ($667M),Refined Petroleum ($392M), Aluminium Oxide($300M), Bananas ($67.5M) and Rough Wood($54.6M), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification. Its top imports are Refined Petroleum ($360M), Large Construction Vehicles ($70.9M), Delivery Trucks($70.7M), Cars ($60.4M) and Telephones ($45.5M).
The top export destinations of Suriname areSwitzerland ($432M), the United States ($428M),Belgium-Luxembourg ($190M), Guyana ($126M) and Canada ($122M). The top import origins arethe United States ($519M), the Netherlands($275M), Trinidad and Tobago ($189M), China($158M) and CuraƧao ($111M).
Suriname borders FranceBrazil and Guyana. So, it seems we are both their largest export destination and also our largest import destination.  Get some bananas, or gold! to take home.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Barbara, Ashley, Katie!!

Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016 Friday #bicycle#prayforGod#Carter/Reagan#watergate#Pom

Get Fit
My brother had a stationary bike in his living room so that was my method of exercise today.  This was the laziest vacation I have been on in a long time.  The weather just didn't give us a chance to get out and walk around.  You find anything to do today?

Get Faith
Psalm 139:14-18  Can you imagine God's thoughts?  Wow vs "Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand - when I awake, I am still with you."  I often think of all the things God has on his mind - I feel so bad that he is witness to every bad thing, everyday, everywhere on this earth.  Forgive us God on this earth so wonderfully made.

On this day
1980 was an election year and I went to Chris and Steve's to watch the Carter/Reagan debate.  It was so much different than what we have going on this year.  First of all, both men were civil, they were gentlemen.  You were actually able to make a decision based on their platforms and not who has the worse track record.  I sincerely think we should back up the truck and begin again on this one.

1976 - John D. Erlichman, a former aide to U.S. President Richard Nixon, entered a federal prison camp in Safford, AZ, to begin serving his sentence for Watergate-related convictions. This was looming in the not so distant past though.

Suriname, like its neighbors Guyana and French Guiana, has a very rich and interesting cuisine - quite different from the rest of South America.

1.  Pom

This dish is one of the most famous and distinctive inSuriname, and is widely recognized as a dish that is cooked at celebrations, particularly during birthdays and special occasions. While potatoes don't grow very well in Suriname, Pom makes good use of its own root vegetable known as tayer or pomtayer, which is combined with chicken and citrus juice and then baked in the oven. The tayer is an indigenous plant in Suriname, and the popularity of Pom means it has also become a dish that is common in many parts of the Netherlands too. I can try to find this recipe for tomorrow night.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October 27, 2016 Thursday #2014repost

AM Yoga this morning.  Great start to the day!

Luke chapter 15 - Jesus tells of the parable of the lost sheep.  WE are the lost sheep.  The angels in heaven rejoice when we repent.  Make an angels day today!

On this day:
2005 - After work I went to the hospital to see my boss.  He wasn't happy to see me.  He had a double heart bypass and was lucky to be alive.  His daughter was the only one that stayed with him at the hospital.  He hasn't changed any of his lifestyle.  I hear he is in worse shape than before.  Do you know someone?  Usually a guy, that has health issues that have spiraled out of control?  I know quite a few of them.  Wish we had a magic pill to fix that.  Wish they would listen to reason.

1904 - The New York subway system officially opened. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America. It is too bad that Detroit never expanded  the mass transit system to more then buses.  Maybe now with all the open space in Detroit they should look into it.  I realize Detroit is all about cars, but everyone that can have one, has one now.  Lets move ahead.

Parenting - Cheers to my daughter that has worked so hard the last week, both at her job and at home getting the bedrooms switched.  We were both so tired on Saturday after moving all the dressers and moms bed, that at the end after trying to get the loft into the downstairs bedroom, we collapsed.  I went out and got us each a beer and with the loft frame wedged in my bookshelf, outside the bedroom and the other two legs lodged in the bedroom closet, we were done.  Don and Jameson came to our rescue and saved the day. Thanks Nicole for all your hard work! And thanks to Don and Jameson.


Sports and recreation

Ethiopia is best known for its excellence in track events, and the international triumphs of Ethiopian runners have lifted the spirits of a people deeply aggrieved by the effects of political conflicts, social upheaval, and environmental disasters. The country’s Olympic debut came at the 1956 Melbourne Games, but it was Abebe Bikila’s epic barefooted Olympic marathon victory through the streets of Rome in 1960 that thrust Ethiopian athletes into the global sporting limelight. By winning at the 1964 Tokyo Games (this time wearing shoes), he became the first athlete to win consecutive Olympic marathons. At the 1968 Mexico City Games, Ethiopia claimed a third consecutive marathon gold on the performance of Mamo Wolde. Miruts Yifter won gold medals in the men’s 5,000- and 10,000-metre events at the 1980 Moscow Games. (Ethiopia joined boycotts of both the 1976 and 1984 Summer Games.) Haile Gebrselassie was the dominant long-distance runner of the 1990s and captured the gold medal in the 10,000-metre events at both the 1996 Atlanta Games and the 2000 Sydney Games. Millon Wolde and Gezanhegne Abera also took gold medals at the Sydney Games, in the 5,000-metre race and the marathon, respectively. Kenenisa Bekele dominated in the 2000s, taking the gold medal in the 10,000-metre race in the 2004 Athens Games and in the 5,000-metre and 10,000-metre events at the 2008 Beijing Games.  Everyone is good at something!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 26, 2016 Wednesday #contrology#angels#rakeinthefresh#spoiled#emergingcountry

Repost from 2015!

Get Fit
Pilates (/pÉŖĖˆlɑĖteÉŖz/;[1] German: [piĖˆlaĖtəs]) is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It is practiced worldwide, and especially in western countries such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States.[2]
Pilates called his method "Contrology" (from "control" and Greek -Ī»ĪæĪ³ĪÆĪ±-logia).[3]  I have been doing Pilates for maybe 15 years and find great core strength in it, back, abs, legs everything.

Get Faith
Matthew 18:10  See that you do not despise one of these little ones.  For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.  This is Jesus talking about children.  I find the reference to "their angels in heaven"  interesting.  Do we all have a designated angel in heaven?  What do you think? Do they get special face time with God?

On this day
Autumn, cooler temperatures, beautiful colors - a lot of them laying on my lawn.  In 1987 I started raking in the morning with 2 year old Nicole, went in for lunch and a nap.  Back outside in the afternoon with Nicole, raking then back in for a short nap before dinner.  After dinner, back outside to rake with Nicole.  She went to bed early.  I only have two small trees in my yard on the boulevard now, back then I had a huge Ash tree in the yard and 4 more on the boulevard.  Do you have leaves to rake or does the lawn maintenance company take care of it?  It is a great exercise with fresh air - go ahead, rake some.

1881 - The "Gunfight at the OK Corral" took place in Tombstone, AZ. The fight was between Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and Doc Holiday and the Ike Clanton Gang. For you Don.

Nicole didn't nap much, she was on the go from when she got up till she fell asleep mid-sentence at night.  She played outside when weather was permitting and had a lot of neighborhood kids that came over everyday - my house was full.  There was a sense of hierarchy, Nicole had all the toys and shared well so the older kids that came over took care of her, careful to make sure she was having a good time.  The other moms loved me.

Book club - The Other Irish
I am amazed at the history of music in this book - really a great read.

Jekabpils Latvia
 Latvia Social Culture | USA Today
The rural character of the national identity was promoted by the role of landscape in art and literature. An association of Latvian artists founded in 1929 argued "for art with a Latvian content and form," primarily in landscape painting. The result of this cultural policy was to include not only the recently emerged intellegentsia and middle classes but also those who lived in the countryside and worked the land.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nicky and Michelle !

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25, 2016 Tuesday

A Re-post from 2015

October 25, 2015 Sunday

A day of Rest

Get Faith
The Transfiguration  - This is where Jesus takes Peter James and John with him to the mountain and he is transformed to his heavenly appearance and stands with Moses and Elijah.  The disciples are rightfully frightened and in awe of what they saw.  They want to stay there and keep Jesus and the others there - probably for their own keeping or comfort.  The last line here is something I don't remember reading before. Matthew 17:13  "Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.  I will have to ask Pastor about that.

On this day
1985  My baby was only 5 months old but I never stopped.  I was at Andy and Alice's, my mother in laws - out to Pam's.  I was on the phone with Tatjiana, Mom, and a number of others.  I was still nursing.  If you aren't home very much your house doesn't get messy and I guess you don't have to cook.  I actually don't remember spending this much time out, but now I know why my daughter is the same way, always on the go.

1415 - In Northern France, England won the Battle of Agincourt over France during the Hundred Years' War. Almost 6000 Frenchmen were killed while fewer than 400 were lost by the English. Most wars are futile, some are ridiculous.

It is hard to hold hands with a cat and type on the computer.  Parenting animals can be exhausting.

Book club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
The history of country music is huge in this group.  If you are a country fan you will love this!

Jekabpils Latvia
kabpils History Museum
The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.

Krustpils pils

kabpils History Museum

The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.
- See more at:  Lets go here today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy BIrthday Diann

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016 Monday #2minutes#repent#babysitting#Peace#repeathistory!

Get Fit
Ah Monday!  Jillian tried to get me going with some aerobics and weights.  I tried.  And, in face of sitting in a car all day I was reminded the importance of taking regular breaks.  I just read that people who sit a lot like at a desk, should get up and walk for 2 minutes every hour to offshoot the damage of sitting.

Get Faith
Ezekiel 18:25-32  I read this as John the Baptist reading material.  Turn back and do the right thing. The things they are telling you to stop doing are harmful, first of all to you - you already know that.  God wants you to stop making the mistakes that make you sick - like smoking, and things that make you sad - like drinking.  Bad health and depression are a huge part of our society, do the right things and make your life better AND your future with God.

On this day
1979 - I see a pattern here this week.  Yesterday it was two years before and the day before and it was only Merri.  It was a Wednesday and I went to Andy's, he was home with the girls.  Adele must have been working or at Eastern Star.  Lindsey would have been 6 months old.  Now it will be Lindsey's house  to beg some time with Hudson.  The world turns.

1648 - The Holy Roman Empire was effectively destroyed by the Peace of Westphalia that brought an end to the Thirty Years War. Peace always sounds good doesn't it?


21st century[edit]

On 19 July 2010, the former dictator DĆ©si Bouterse returned to power when he was elected as the new President of Suriname.[19] He was re-elected on 14 July 2015.[20] Before his election in 2010, he, along with 24 others, had been charged with the murders of 15 prominent dissidents in the December murders. However, in 2012, two months before the verdict in the trial, the National Assembly extended its amnesty law and provided Bouterse and the others with amnesty of these charges.  Wow!  this has a familiar ring to it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandra and Sue!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 23, 2016 Sunday #Godknows#babysitter#VOTE#civilwar

Get Faith
Pastor said that many stories need to be read backward.  The end of this story tells  you that the man who begged forgiveness and pleaded humbly for himself did better with God than the priest that reminded God how great and righteou he was and reminded God of how good he had been..  God knows.

On this day
1978 - After work I went to Andy and Adele's for dinner and to babysit.  It was just Merri and she would have been a year and a half.  I have a picture of her sitting on my lap with her blanket and thumb in her mouth while I read to her.  I loved being with the girls.

1915 - Approximately 25,000 women demanded the right to vote with a march in New York City, NY. What took so long?


1987 elections and constitution[edit]

National elections were held in 1987. The National Assembly adopted a new constitution that allowed Bouterse to remain in charge of the army. Dissatisfied with the government, Bouterse summarily dismissed the ministers in 1990, by telephone. This event became popularly known as the "Telephone Coup". His power began to wane after the 1991 elections.
The brutal civil war between the Suriname army and Maroons loyal to rebel leader Ronnie Brunswijk, begun in 1986, continued and its effects further weakened Bouterse's position during the 1990s. In 1999, the Netherlands tried Bouterse in absentia on drug smuggling charges. He was convicted and sentenced to prison but remained in Suriname.  Progress?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cheryl A

Saturday, October 22, 2016

October 22, 2016 Saturday #WALK!#Hell#Winkelman's#Millerest#sayyestomarriage#murderous.

Get Fit
Waiting for the temperature to go up and then going for a walk like last week.  Going to try for the same walk that did me in last week,  Push yourself.

Get Faith
Matthew 25:31-40  This is a warning to us to follow the "love thy neighbor" law.  We need to care for one another as if that person were Jesus himself.  Do you reach out in contribution or aid to the poor or needy?  Do you visit those who need attention?  If you are only concerned with yourself and what you need the verse goes on to paint a picture you don't want to believe happens to those who neglect this duty given to us.  Love thy neighbor as thyself - seriously, it is important.

On this day
1977 - Times change.  On this day it says I went to Winkelman's.  We all have our favorite stores that we shopped in - maybe yours is still around, lets see - Winkleman's-no, JL Hudson? - no, Montgomery Wards?- no, Lerner's? no.  Korvette? no, and the list goes on.  When I worked on 6 Mile there was a Winkelman's in the next block.  I remember going there and putting 3 dresses in lay-away and making payments every week till I could pay them off.  One was a plain, red dress with a black and red, plaid like coat to wear with it.  I loved that dress.  When we moved to Oak Park (work) I went to Northland (closed) and found a place called Four Seasons that I liked, but not as much as Winks.  Where did you shop and miss now?

1844 - This day is recognized as "The Great Disappointment" among those who practiced Millerism. The world was expected to come to an end according to the followers of William Miller. WE all know a guy like this - very negative - don't be a Millerist!

Having been a Republican, most of my life, I am changing my party.  I cannot back a party that rules against my daughter's future rights and happiness.  I have spent all of the past 31+ years telling her to be who she is and do what she believes in. I will fight against the Supreme Court telling me she can't be married or have the legal rights that everyone else is entitled to.  Although I cannot join the Democrats this year in their party choice,  (I do believe she is seriously dangerous to our country.)  I will make choices as close to my beliefs without allowing those who choose to empower hatred and bias.


1982 December murders[edit]

On 25 February 1980, a military coup overthrew Arron's government. It was initiated by a group of sixteen sergeants, led by DĆ©si Bouterse.[3] Opponents of the military regime attempted counter-coups in April 1980, August 1980, 15 March 1981, and again on 12 March 1982. The first counter attempt was led by Fred Ormskerk,[16] the second by Marxist-Leninists,[17] the third by Wilfred Hawker, and the fourth by Surendre Rambocus.
Hawker escaped from prison during the fourth counter-coup attempt, but he was captured and summarily executed. Between 2 am and 5 am on 7 December 1982, the military, under the leadership of DĆ©si Bouterse, rounded up 13 prominent citizens who had criticized the military dictatorship and held them at Fort Zeelandia in Paramaibo.[18] The dictatorship had all these men executed over the next three days, along with Rambocus and Jiwansingh Sheombar (who was also involved in the fourth counter-coup attempt).  As long as we have this murderous, power driven aspect of society in this world there is little hope of world peace.  Let it begin with you.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katie!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016 Friday #absx2#never!#AustinHealey#meinFrance#parenthood#parenthood

Get Fit!
Started my day with an ab workout.  Super Stomach with Denise Austin when she was 20 or so.  But if you don't have a video - do some repetitions, start with 10 sit ups and then try another set, you will be surprised how soon you can do more.  Then you can go to the gym and at least not have to struggle with that first one.

Get Faith
Lamentations 3:21-26 vs 23 "They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Everyday, God is faithful to you - waiting to hear from you, watching over you, caring about your troubles and rejoicing in your success. vs 21 "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope"  Remember He never leaves you.  Sorry to those who will be singing this song all day (not sorry).

On this day
1975 - Must be my week to remember my past cars.  Pete (my nemesis) found an old Austin Healey to fix up for me.  It was a little yellow thing, that today I wouldn't be able to get down into or up out of.  It WAS a lot of fun to drive around in.  He was constantly working on it.

1917 - The first U.S. soldiers entered combat during World War I near Nancy, France. This is a little foreboding to me.  

I had lunch with my niece (and God daughter) Lindsey yesterday.  She is going to deliver a beautiful baby boy - Hudson in 2 to 3 weeks.  I loved listening to her plans and concerns, her hopes and intentions for this upcoming bundle of joy.  I remembered how I felt when carrying Nicole and feeling the same way.  She said she was afraid she would just sit and stare at him for hours.  Yep, I did that.  Her and Scott will be wonderful parents.  Do you have those memories tucked away?


Independence - 1975[edit]

The first President of the country was Johan Ferrier, the former governor, with Henck Arron (the then leader of the NPS) as Prime Minister. In the years leading up to independence, nearly one-third of the population of Suriname emigrated to the Netherlands, amidst concern that the new country would fare worse under independence than it had as a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Indeed, Surinamese politics soon degenerated into ethnic polarisation and corruption, with the NPS using Dutch aid money for partisan purposes. Its leaders were accused of fraud in the 1977 elections, in which Arron won a further term, and the discontent was such that a large chunk of the population fled to the Netherlands, joining the already significant Surinamese community there.[15] It seems they did better under the Netherlands rule, those upstart nations!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda Z and Millie!  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 20, 2016 Thursday #computerscare#Abdominalcorset#advocate#1975Elite#womenincharge#don'tpresume.

Had to stay off internet till Aaron came and checked it for bugs.  I'm back!

Get Fit
Abdominal Corset:  While in a sitting or standing position, draw your stomach in by tightening in your stomach muscles.  Attempt to draw your waist away from your waist band all the way around.  If you are doing this right, your should feel taller - and be able to breathe.  Hold for a count of 10.  Repeat 5 times.  This is great for a morning stretch, at your desk, on an airplane, anywhere you need to feel refreshed.

Get Faith
John 14:15-21 vs 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever vs 17- the Spirit of truth.  We don't worship and speak of the Spirit as often as God and Jesus, maybe because It is still at work in us and that story hasn't been written yet.  

On this day
1974 I had picked up my brand new 1975 Ford Elite.  It was gorgeous - bronze with a landau top, cushy velvety seats.  This is the only brand new car I ever bought.  Of course, I had to take it over to show my brother Andy.  The car a mid size, fully loaded - top of the line was mine for 4,600.  Yep.  My house payment and car payment were both $180.00 a month.

1740 - Maria Theresa became the ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia with the death of her father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI. Many countries have had women rulers, not necessary elected, more like inherited, but still.  Look at England.  As with anything, some good - some bad.  



During World War II, on 23 November 1941, under an agreement with the Netherlands government-in-exile, the United States occupied Suriname to protect the bauxite mines to support the Allies war effort.[14] In 1942, the Dutch government-in-exile began to review the relations between the Netherlands and its colonies in terms of the post-war period.
In 1954, Suriname became one of the constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along with the Netherlands Antilles and theNetherlands. In this construction, the Netherlands retained control of its defense and foreign affairs. In 1974, the local government, led by the National Party of Suriname (NPS) (which membership was largely Creole, meaning ethnically African or mixed African-European) started negotiations with the Dutch government leading towards full independence, which was granted on 25 November 1975. A large part of Suriname's economy for the first decade following independence was fueled by foreign aid provided by the Dutch government.
 I suppose I thought they were less proper and civilized, I don't know why.  This picture shows a different story.  Doing this travel on the net has given me a much better knowledge of people around the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron G.  

Saturday, October 15, 2016

October 15, 2016 Saturday #Walk!#CallGod#70's#takemeaway!#slaveryvsslavery.

Get Fit
Beautiful fall day - I dressed for success!   Going on a nice walk, checking out the neighborhood.

Get Faith
Psalm 86 1-13  vs 7 "I call to you, because you answer me."  Why would you call someone who never answered you?  Our God is available at all times.  Vs 13 "For great is your love toward me:"  I testify to that love, to the knowledge that whoever you think I am - God knows my heart and loves me.  You can feel the same way. Spend some time with him in prayer.

On this day
1973 - This is the first entry I ever made in my journal about Pete.  I met him in July of this year and spent most of the 70's with him.  On this day it said he started a new job at AAA Performance Tool.  He had that great salesman type personality!  More on him in my upcoming book on the 70's.

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte began his exile on the remote island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. Are you like me?  Does this sound like heaven occasionally?  Maybe till the election is over?

As a plantation colony, Suriname had an economy dependent on labour-intensive commodity crops. To make up for a shortage of labour, the Dutch recruited and transported contract or indentured labourers from the Dutch East Indies (modern Indonesia) and India (the latter through an arrangement with the British, who then ruled the area). In addition, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, small numbers of labourers, mostly men, were recruited from China and the Middle East.
Although Suriname's population remains relatively small, because of this complex labour history, it is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse countries in the world.[12][13]   So the difference between slavery and Indentured is a small amount of pay and the
willingness of the worker to be there. I believe some were actually indentured to pay off debts.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016 Friday #resistance#Jesussaid#jealousy#foreignphones#freedmen?

Get Fit
Pilates with a resistance band.  I did the leg workout today in hope that my legs will stop aching and it has already helped.  Don't rest- it doesn't help.

Get Faith
1 John 3;16-17 Jesus Said"I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  I laughed when I read this and went to Nicole and said you have to hear the verse for today.  All I said was I am the good shepherd, I could have only said "Jesus said" and she would have recognized this verse and also laughed.  Quite a few years ago I had the preschool class for VBS.  Nicole was home and helped me and a few of the parents and grandparents stayed as well.  This was the memory verse for the day and the teachers guide said to use simple hand movements to help the memory process.  Hands on head, hands on shoulders, hands on waist, hands on knees.  It said to do it at least 6 times.  After the first 2 or 3 times the little ones had it and continued on....and on...and on.  They and us will never forget "Jesus Said".

On this day
1967 - I was dating Don Michie and as usual we started out at the Knights of the Road clubhouse.  We then went to someone I was terribly jealous of.  Dolly was a beautiful Hungarian girl that I was sure Don was madly in love with - but she was madly in love with Jessie.  Oh the wicked webs we weave.  We went to her apartment for a party.  She actually was a very nice person that made us a wonderful Hungarian wedding cake when we got married.  Do not judge people or wrongly accuse.

1879 - Thomas Edison signed an agreement with Jose D. Husbands for the sale of Edison telephones in Chile. AND, so started global economy.

The Netherlands abolished slavery in Suriname in 1863, under a gradual process that required slaves to work on plantations for 10 transition years for minimal pay, which was considered as partial compensation for their masters. After 1873, most freedmen largely abandoned the plantations where they had worked for several generations in favour of the capital city, Paramaribo.  Did this ease up the feelings between the masters and the slaves?  Why not compensation for the slaves and all the work they did for free?  Were there jobs available in Paramaribo for the freedmen?  Lots of questions.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 13, 2016 Thursday #washboard#newmercies#Momkidscousins#setmeasail#antislavery!

Get Fit
Started my day with an ab workout.  I have been doing this Abs of Steel for 20 years.  I do not have a washboard stomach but I also don't have lower back pain.  (one of the few places that doesn't hurt).

Get Faith
Lamentations 3:21-26  This is a wonderfully restoring reading. It begins with vs21 "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope."  It is a good thing to store memories in your head (as in Bible verses) that you can recall in that instant that you need to feel better.  Remember this hymn?  "They are new every morning - great is your faithfulness."   New mercies, every morning. Remember.

On this day
2015 Last year was a busy day.  Mom was in Beechwood assisted living and I went most days to see her and check up.  She loved it there and at this time the place was decorated beautifully for the Fall.  Then I drove over to Redford because I was teaching Geography to Madison and Cameron, which was too much fun - for me anyway.  And then back home and out to dinner with my cousins group to the Brewery for dinner.  Great day to remember.

1775 - The U.S. Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet. Now we need a fleet to take us away after this election, or maybe we should just banish the two that are causing the maelstrom.  Now that would be a TV series - the two of them on a boat with no country wanting to grant them asylum.  hmmmm.

Abolition of slavery[edit]

In 1861-63, with the American Civil War underway and slaves escaping to Union lines in the South, President Abraham Lincoln of the United States and his administration looked abroad for places to relocate freed slaves who wanted to leave the United States. It opened negotiations with the Dutch government regarding African-American emigration to and colonization of the Dutch colony of Suriname in South America. Nothing came of the idea, and after 1864 the idea was dropped.  A lot could be said - both ways- about this news item.  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Lindsey A!!