Saturday, October 22, 2016

October 22, 2016 Saturday #WALK!#Hell#Winkelman's#Millerest#sayyestomarriage#murderous.

Get Fit
Waiting for the temperature to go up and then going for a walk like last week.  Going to try for the same walk that did me in last week,  Push yourself.

Get Faith
Matthew 25:31-40  This is a warning to us to follow the "love thy neighbor" law.  We need to care for one another as if that person were Jesus himself.  Do you reach out in contribution or aid to the poor or needy?  Do you visit those who need attention?  If you are only concerned with yourself and what you need the verse goes on to paint a picture you don't want to believe happens to those who neglect this duty given to us.  Love thy neighbor as thyself - seriously, it is important.

On this day
1977 - Times change.  On this day it says I went to Winkelman's.  We all have our favorite stores that we shopped in - maybe yours is still around, lets see - Winkleman's-no, JL Hudson? - no, Montgomery Wards?- no, Lerner's? no.  Korvette? no, and the list goes on.  When I worked on 6 Mile there was a Winkelman's in the next block.  I remember going there and putting 3 dresses in lay-away and making payments every week till I could pay them off.  One was a plain, red dress with a black and red, plaid like coat to wear with it.  I loved that dress.  When we moved to Oak Park (work) I went to Northland (closed) and found a place called Four Seasons that I liked, but not as much as Winks.  Where did you shop and miss now?

1844 - This day is recognized as "The Great Disappointment" among those who practiced Millerism. The world was expected to come to an end according to the followers of William Miller. WE all know a guy like this - very negative - don't be a Millerist!

Having been a Republican, most of my life, I am changing my party.  I cannot back a party that rules against my daughter's future rights and happiness.  I have spent all of the past 31+ years telling her to be who she is and do what she believes in. I will fight against the Supreme Court telling me she can't be married or have the legal rights that everyone else is entitled to.  Although I cannot join the Democrats this year in their party choice,  (I do believe she is seriously dangerous to our country.)  I will make choices as close to my beliefs without allowing those who choose to empower hatred and bias.


1982 December murders[edit]

On 25 February 1980, a military coup overthrew Arron's government. It was initiated by a group of sixteen sergeants, led by Dési Bouterse.[3] Opponents of the military regime attempted counter-coups in April 1980, August 1980, 15 March 1981, and again on 12 March 1982. The first counter attempt was led by Fred Ormskerk,[16] the second by Marxist-Leninists,[17] the third by Wilfred Hawker, and the fourth by Surendre Rambocus.
Hawker escaped from prison during the fourth counter-coup attempt, but he was captured and summarily executed. Between 2 am and 5 am on 7 December 1982, the military, under the leadership of Dési Bouterse, rounded up 13 prominent citizens who had criticized the military dictatorship and held them at Fort Zeelandia in Paramaibo.[18] The dictatorship had all these men executed over the next three days, along with Rambocus and Jiwansingh Sheombar (who was also involved in the fourth counter-coup attempt).  As long as we have this murderous, power driven aspect of society in this world there is little hope of world peace.  Let it begin with you.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katie!!!!

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