Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016 Friday #bicycle#prayforGod#Carter/Reagan#watergate#Pom

Get Fit
My brother had a stationary bike in his living room so that was my method of exercise today.  This was the laziest vacation I have been on in a long time.  The weather just didn't give us a chance to get out and walk around.  You find anything to do today?

Get Faith
Psalm 139:14-18  Can you imagine God's thoughts?  Wow vs "Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand - when I awake, I am still with you."  I often think of all the things God has on his mind - I feel so bad that he is witness to every bad thing, everyday, everywhere on this earth.  Forgive us God on this earth so wonderfully made.

On this day
1980 was an election year and I went to Chris and Steve's to watch the Carter/Reagan debate.  It was so much different than what we have going on this year.  First of all, both men were civil, they were gentlemen.  You were actually able to make a decision based on their platforms and not who has the worse track record.  I sincerely think we should back up the truck and begin again on this one.

1976 - John D. Erlichman, a former aide to U.S. President Richard Nixon, entered a federal prison camp in Safford, AZ, to begin serving his sentence for Watergate-related convictions. This was looming in the not so distant past though.

Suriname, like its neighbors Guyana and French Guiana, has a very rich and interesting cuisine - quite different from the rest of South America.

1.  Pom

This dish is one of the most famous and distinctive inSuriname, and is widely recognized as a dish that is cooked at celebrations, particularly during birthdays and special occasions. While potatoes don't grow very well in Suriname, Pom makes good use of its own root vegetable known as tayer or pomtayer, which is combined with chicken and citrus juice and then baked in the oven. The tayer is an indigenous plant in Suriname, and the popularity of Pom means it has also become a dish that is common in many parts of the Netherlands too. I can try to find this recipe for tomorrow night.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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