Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 Monday! #achylegs#Grace#Halloweenplay#Theses!

Get Fit
Do your legs ache? your hips? your knees?  I know mine do and as you know I exercise all the time.  My friend went to the doctor to find out why her hip hurt so much and he said "you have no muscle to support the bones".  She is an avid golfer.  He sent her to a therapist for exercise and massage.  It is helping.  So I am bumping up my exercising and though my legs were achy this morning I did a sheet of exercises for dancers, it was tough but I pushed on.  If I can walk to the computer tomorrow I will let you know how it is.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:3-9 Faith is the most precious commodity you can own.  vs 7 "the proven genuineness of your faith - of greater worth than gold..." As Pastor reminded us yesterday over and over in his sermon "we are saved by grace - through faith".  No amount of good works can save you, only faith.  I look at this way - to do good works in the name of God, grows your faith and shows praise to our God who has saved us through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Grace and peace be to you.

On this day
1986  Nicole was 17 months old and I apparently had a lot of energy and time.  I put a play and talent show together for 15 or so of the neighborhood kids.  We worked on it for weeks in advance and set up chairs in front of the garage.  When the garage door opened they put on the best rendition of Sleepy Hollow that anyone has seen.  Well maybe not but the 30+ parents and neighbors thought so.  After the play their were some great lip sync songs and dancing.  Aaron did Ghostbusters, Maria did True Colors from the heart, Duane sang a song about a loving family (not his) that ripped my heart out.  Really.  So much fun and a great memory.  My brother Mark was the sound director, it was his last gig, he died a month later, but he sure enjoyed that play.  Nicole was a little devil in red running back and forth across the stage.  Video on request.

1517 - Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace Church. The event marked the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany. By grace we are saved and not by works - got him kicked out of the Roman Catholic church.  Justification, the Catholic church now agrees.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claudia!!

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