Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016 Friday #muscles!#appointed?#loveandmarriage,babycarriage#automation>#vivadifference!

Get Fit
Did a weight workout this morning.  Honestly if I get up and ache I have to move and weight lifting really helps those sore joints. Obviously, if you have serious joint damage you need to see a professional, but common arthritic aches always feel better when you move and strengthen them...and drink that water!!

Get Faith
Mark 3 13-19  This is where Jesus appointed the twelve disciples to take on the work of spreading the gospel.  The last one he appointed was Judas.  Do you wonder why, when, Jesus knew what would happen with Judas He even bothered to appoint him?  Think about that.  We are all disciples of Christ, coming from all different backgrounds but sharing the same belief and trust that God knows best.

On this day
2005 -  Mom and I went to my cousin Marylou's son Chad's wedding.  Today I see them celebrating their 11th anniversary on Facebook.  I love Facebook, I can keep up with all the offspring of my cousins and friends.  Chad and Stephanie had two little boys 3 years ago - Ryder and Jaxon and we all love to see those beautiful boys.  Life is a huge, on going story!  Keep reading - love your life.

1913 - For the first time, Henry Ford's entire Highland Park automobile factory was run on a continuously moving assembly line when the chassis was added to the process. More jobs and a lot more cars - progress.  The American dream.


Republic of Suriname
Republiek Suriname  (Dutch)
FlagCoat of arms
Motto: "Justitia – Pietas – Fides" (Latin)
"Justice – Piety – Trust"
Anthem: God zij met ons Suriname  (Dutch)
God be with our Suriname
and largest city
5°50′N 55°10′W
Official languagesDutch
Recognised regional languages
Ethnic groups (2012)
I like their motto and look at those ethnic groups!  So much to explore!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Judy F!

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