Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29, 2016 Saturday #heehaw#pray#ghouls#headless#Gold#

Get Fit
Dancing some country line dance with Denise in hope that it will give me energy for all the things on my todo list.

Get Faith
John 17:6-19  Jesus prayed for his disciples and for all of his followers - he prayed to God, his father. Jesus did not consider himself of this world and we should not either.  When we became followers of Christ we became members of the heavenly family.  We pray to God for  ourselves and others to keep us safe and keep us with Him.  Does the Bible tell us that in heaven our bodies are only for worshiping God and they are neither male nor female?  If you find that ( I am looking also) let me know, ok?  Always something to think about.

On this day
1981  I was dating Chuck who lived in Florida.  He flew in for the weekend and we were planning all types of Halloween fun for the kids, Merri and Lindsey, neighbors and friends here.  We all dressed in costumes, very elaborate with makeup etc.  It was a lot of fun and I have many pictures.  Now, I look back and realize it was probably way out of character for Chuck who turned out to have made his income in less than honest trades.

1618 - Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded under a sentence that had been brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against King James I. So much for a speedy trial, he must have appealed to a higher court.

Suriname is the 138th largest export economy in the world. In 2014, Suriname exported $1.82B and imported $2.04B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $224M. In 2014 the GDP of Suriname was $5.21B and its GDP per capita was $16.6k.
The top exports of Suriname are Gold ($667M),Refined Petroleum ($392M), Aluminium Oxide($300M), Bananas ($67.5M) and Rough Wood($54.6M), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification. Its top imports are Refined Petroleum ($360M), Large Construction Vehicles ($70.9M), Delivery Trucks($70.7M), Cars ($60.4M) and Telephones ($45.5M).
The top export destinations of Suriname areSwitzerland ($432M), the United States ($428M),Belgium-Luxembourg ($190M), Guyana ($126M) and Canada ($122M). The top import origins arethe United States ($519M), the Netherlands($275M), Trinidad and Tobago ($189M), China($158M) and CuraƧao ($111M).
Suriname borders FranceBrazil and Guyana. So, it seems we are both their largest export destination and also our largest import destination.  Get some bananas, or gold! to take home.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Barbara, Ashley, Katie!!

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