Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016 Friday #absx2#never!#AustinHealey#meinFrance#parenthood#parenthood

Get Fit!
Started my day with an ab workout.  Super Stomach with Denise Austin when she was 20 or so.  But if you don't have a video - do some repetitions, start with 10 sit ups and then try another set, you will be surprised how soon you can do more.  Then you can go to the gym and at least not have to struggle with that first one.

Get Faith
Lamentations 3:21-26 vs 23 "They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Everyday, God is faithful to you - waiting to hear from you, watching over you, caring about your troubles and rejoicing in your success. vs 21 "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope"  Remember He never leaves you.  Sorry to those who will be singing this song all day (not sorry).

On this day
1975 - Must be my week to remember my past cars.  Pete (my nemesis) found an old Austin Healey to fix up for me.  It was a little yellow thing, that today I wouldn't be able to get down into or up out of.  It WAS a lot of fun to drive around in.  He was constantly working on it.

1917 - The first U.S. soldiers entered combat during World War I near Nancy, France. This is a little foreboding to me.  

I had lunch with my niece (and God daughter) Lindsey yesterday.  She is going to deliver a beautiful baby boy - Hudson in 2 to 3 weeks.  I loved listening to her plans and concerns, her hopes and intentions for this upcoming bundle of joy.  I remembered how I felt when carrying Nicole and feeling the same way.  She said she was afraid she would just sit and stare at him for hours.  Yep, I did that.  Her and Scott will be wonderful parents.  Do you have those memories tucked away?


Independence - 1975[edit]

The first President of the country was Johan Ferrier, the former governor, with Henck Arron (the then leader of the NPS) as Prime Minister. In the years leading up to independence, nearly one-third of the population of Suriname emigrated to the Netherlands, amidst concern that the new country would fare worse under independence than it had as a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Indeed, Surinamese politics soon degenerated into ethnic polarisation and corruption, with the NPS using Dutch aid money for partisan purposes. Its leaders were accused of fraud in the 1977 elections, in which Arron won a further term, and the discontent was such that a large chunk of the population fled to the Netherlands, joining the already significant Surinamese community there.[15] It seems they did better under the Netherlands rule, those upstart nations!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda Z and Millie!  

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