Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016 Monday #Columbusday#Pilates#Prayer#retired!#rowrowrowyourboat#Colonization

Get Fit
Got in some Pilates this morning, amazing what moving, strengthening and stretching can do for a sore tired body.  This video is Pilates Weight loss.

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28  About appreciating those who do hold the church together while we are vacationing, golfing etc.  The Sunday School teachers, choir, worship assistants and of course the Pastors.  As in anything you know, there are always leaders and supporters, people that hold the program together and pray for all of us.  Vs 17 "Pray continually"  keep your communication open with God.

On this day
2012 This whole week was very difficult.  On return to work after going up north for my Godfather/Uncle Hank's funeral I walked into the boss introducing me to a girl that was my replacement.  After 19 years working there it was quite a surprise.  I could have walked out but I stayed the week and trained Cindy for the job, encouraging her a long the way with, "if I could stay here 19 years, you can do this".  She was "appalled" when she found out what had just happened.  She needed the job and I retired.  It was a strenuous week.  I decided to take the high road.

1987 - Tom McClean finished rowing across the Atlantic Ocean. It set the record at 54 days and 18 hours. This is what I felt like getting through the above week.


Colonial period[edit]

Main article: Surinam (Dutch colony)
Beginning in the 16th century, FrenchSpanish, and English explorers visited the area. A century later, Dutch and English settlers established plantation colonies along the many rivers in the fertile Guiana plains. The earliest documented colony in Guiana was an English settlement named Marshall's Creek along the Suriname River.[8]
Disputes arose between the Dutch and the English for control of this territory. In 1667, during negotiations leading to the Treaty of Breda, the Dutch decided to keep the nascent plantation colony of Suriname they had gained from the English. The English got to keep New Amsterdam, the main city of the former colony of New Netherland in North America on the mid-Atlantic coast. Already a cultural and economic hub in those days, they renamed it after the Duke of York: New York.  Trade offs in which the nicest lawn probably came into play.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rena, Gary and Pastor Nick!

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