Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 23, 2016 Sunday #Godknows#babysitter#VOTE#civilwar

Get Faith
Pastor said that many stories need to be read backward.  The end of this story tells  you that the man who begged forgiveness and pleaded humbly for himself did better with God than the priest that reminded God how great and righteou he was and reminded God of how good he had been..  God knows.

On this day
1978 - After work I went to Andy and Adele's for dinner and to babysit.  It was just Merri and she would have been a year and a half.  I have a picture of her sitting on my lap with her blanket and thumb in her mouth while I read to her.  I loved being with the girls.

1915 - Approximately 25,000 women demanded the right to vote with a march in New York City, NY. What took so long?


1987 elections and constitution[edit]

National elections were held in 1987. The National Assembly adopted a new constitution that allowed Bouterse to remain in charge of the army. Dissatisfied with the government, Bouterse summarily dismissed the ministers in 1990, by telephone. This event became popularly known as the "Telephone Coup". His power began to wane after the 1991 elections.
The brutal civil war between the Suriname army and Maroons loyal to rebel leader Ronnie Brunswijk, begun in 1986, continued and its effects further weakened Bouterse's position during the 1990s. In 1999, the Netherlands tried Bouterse in absentia on drug smuggling charges. He was convicted and sentenced to prison but remained in Suriname.  Progress?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cheryl A

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