Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016 Friday #resistance#Jesussaid#jealousy#foreignphones#freedmen?

Get Fit
Pilates with a resistance band.  I did the leg workout today in hope that my legs will stop aching and it has already helped.  Don't rest- it doesn't help.

Get Faith
1 John 3;16-17 Jesus Said"I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  I laughed when I read this and went to Nicole and said you have to hear the verse for today.  All I said was I am the good shepherd, I could have only said "Jesus said" and she would have recognized this verse and also laughed.  Quite a few years ago I had the preschool class for VBS.  Nicole was home and helped me and a few of the parents and grandparents stayed as well.  This was the memory verse for the day and the teachers guide said to use simple hand movements to help the memory process.  Hands on head, hands on shoulders, hands on waist, hands on knees.  It said to do it at least 6 times.  After the first 2 or 3 times the little ones had it and continued on....and on...and on.  They and us will never forget "Jesus Said".

On this day
1967 - I was dating Don Michie and as usual we started out at the Knights of the Road clubhouse.  We then went to someone I was terribly jealous of.  Dolly was a beautiful Hungarian girl that I was sure Don was madly in love with - but she was madly in love with Jessie.  Oh the wicked webs we weave.  We went to her apartment for a party.  She actually was a very nice person that made us a wonderful Hungarian wedding cake when we got married.  Do not judge people or wrongly accuse.

1879 - Thomas Edison signed an agreement with Jose D. Husbands for the sale of Edison telephones in Chile. AND, so started global economy.

The Netherlands abolished slavery in Suriname in 1863, under a gradual process that required slaves to work on plantations for 10 transition years for minimal pay, which was considered as partial compensation for their masters. After 1873, most freedmen largely abandoned the plantations where they had worked for several generations in favour of the capital city, Paramaribo.  Did this ease up the feelings between the masters and the slaves?  Why not compensation for the slaves and all the work they did for free?  Were there jobs available in Paramaribo for the freedmen?  Lots of questions.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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