Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016 Monday #2minutes#repent#babysitting#Peace#repeathistory!

Get Fit
Ah Monday!  Jillian tried to get me going with some aerobics and weights.  I tried.  And, in face of sitting in a car all day I was reminded the importance of taking regular breaks.  I just read that people who sit a lot like at a desk, should get up and walk for 2 minutes every hour to offshoot the damage of sitting.

Get Faith
Ezekiel 18:25-32  I read this as John the Baptist reading material.  Turn back and do the right thing. The things they are telling you to stop doing are harmful, first of all to you - you already know that.  God wants you to stop making the mistakes that make you sick - like smoking, and things that make you sad - like drinking.  Bad health and depression are a huge part of our society, do the right things and make your life better AND your future with God.

On this day
1979 - I see a pattern here this week.  Yesterday it was two years before and the day before and it was only Merri.  It was a Wednesday and I went to Andy's, he was home with the girls.  Adele must have been working or at Eastern Star.  Lindsey would have been 6 months old.  Now it will be Lindsey's house  to beg some time with Hudson.  The world turns.

1648 - The Holy Roman Empire was effectively destroyed by the Peace of Westphalia that brought an end to the Thirty Years War. Peace always sounds good doesn't it?


21st century[edit]

On 19 July 2010, the former dictator Dési Bouterse returned to power when he was elected as the new President of Suriname.[19] He was re-elected on 14 July 2015.[20] Before his election in 2010, he, along with 24 others, had been charged with the murders of 15 prominent dissidents in the December murders. However, in 2012, two months before the verdict in the trial, the National Assembly extended its amnesty law and provided Bouterse and the others with amnesty of these charges.  Wow!  this has a familiar ring to it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandra and Sue!!

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