Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8, 2016 Saturday #overeating#findingJesus#divorce#schwaterminal!

Get Fit
Why is the day after you go out and enjoy a big dinner (lots of calories) you feel less like exercising?  I have all day to consider it before I go to the Oktoberfest and eat again, tonight.

Get Faith
Luke 5:27-32  vs32 "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."  And you thought Jesus just hung out at church?  He doesn't.

On this day
2006 -  I enjoy most sermons at church but occasionally one gets to me.  On this day it was about divorce, and I have two under my belt.  The Bible mentions divorce and its repercussions far more than other sins.  We have learned to live with divorce and largely forgive - not stone- those who have been through one.  I'm hoping people become more considerate and less judgemental on other issues that they see as "hail and brimstone" sins.  Remember, above reading from Luke.

 1895 - The Berliner Gramophone Company was founded in Philadelphia, PA. Think how far we have come from this great invention!



This area was occupied by various cultures of indigenous peoples long before European contact, remnants of which can be found in petroglyphsites at Werehpai and other places in Suriname. The name Suriname may derive from a Taino (Arawak-speaking) indigenous people calledSurinen, who inhabited the area at the time of European contact.[7]
British settlers, who founded the first European colony at Marshall's Creek[8] along the Suriname River, spelled the name as "Surinam".
When the territory was taken over by the Dutch, it became part of a group of colonies known as Dutch Guiana. The official spelling of the country's English name was changed from "Surinam" to "Suriname" in January 1978, but "Surinam" can still be found in English. A notable example is Suriname's national airline, Surinam Airways. The older English name is reflected in the English pronunciation, /ˈsʊrnæm/ or/ˈsʊrnɑːm/. In Dutch, the official language of Suriname, the pronunciation is [ˌsyriˈnaːmə], with the main stress on the third syllable and a schwaterminal vowel.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Blake!

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