Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 13, 2016 Thursday #washboard#newmercies#Momkidscousins#setmeasail#antislavery!

Get Fit
Started my day with an ab workout.  I have been doing this Abs of Steel for 20 years.  I do not have a washboard stomach but I also don't have lower back pain.  (one of the few places that doesn't hurt).

Get Faith
Lamentations 3:21-26  This is a wonderfully restoring reading. It begins with vs21 "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope."  It is a good thing to store memories in your head (as in Bible verses) that you can recall in that instant that you need to feel better.  Remember this hymn?  "They are new every morning - great is your faithfulness."   New mercies, every morning. Remember.

On this day
2015 Last year was a busy day.  Mom was in Beechwood assisted living and I went most days to see her and check up.  She loved it there and at this time the place was decorated beautifully for the Fall.  Then I drove over to Redford because I was teaching Geography to Madison and Cameron, which was too much fun - for me anyway.  And then back home and out to dinner with my cousins group to the Brewery for dinner.  Great day to remember.

1775 - The U.S. Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet. Now we need a fleet to take us away after this election, or maybe we should just banish the two that are causing the maelstrom.  Now that would be a TV series - the two of them on a boat with no country wanting to grant them asylum.  hmmmm.

Abolition of slavery[edit]

In 1861-63, with the American Civil War underway and slaves escaping to Union lines in the South, President Abraham Lincoln of the United States and his administration looked abroad for places to relocate freed slaves who wanted to leave the United States. It opened negotiations with the Dutch government regarding African-American emigration to and colonization of the Dutch colony of Suriname in South America. Nothing came of the idea, and after 1864 the idea was dropped.  A lot could be said - both ways- about this news item.  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Lindsey A!!

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