Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30, 2016 Sunday #answer#thedress#nepotism#t-shirt!

Get Faith
Samuel 3:1-10  "Here I am"  God was calling Samuel and Samuel did not recognize God's voice.  We are a lot like Samuel.  Very often God calls us and we don't know it is God, the Spirit reaching out to us to comfort, to lead, to request or maybe just to keep in touch.  Try listening and reply here I am.

On this day
1985  Nicole was only 5 months old and I was sitting Pam's 2 boys Jon and Sean.  I dropped the boys off at another friend, Kathy's place to watch the boys while I ran out to my husbands Aunt Pam's place to pick up a dress to wear to my 20 year reunion.  It was beautiful!  A soft white leather dress that was cut on the diagonal, with 3 tiers that flowed seductively when you walked.  Pam was a high class clothing designer and I was blessed by her generosity.  I gave this dress back but at a seasons end she sent bags of clothes over to me.  So, lucky.  Thanks Pam!!

1735 - John Adams, the second President of the United States, was born in Braintree, MA. His son became the sixth President of theU.S.  This was the first family to claim the throne, and the Roosevelts followed and then the Bushs, anymore?  Possibly the Clintons.

Soon to be moving on, lets take another look.  The Pom dish I served last night was labor intense but pretty good, try it!  

 How about a t-shirt to take home?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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