Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 9, 2016 Sunday #dance#clean/healedandwell#repeat#settled#indigenous!

Get Fit
I got a lot of exercise dancing at the Oktoberfest last night.  I was up all night with leg cramps.  What is your  best remedy for this?  I take magnesium and eat bananas.

Get Faith
Luke tells the story of the 10 lepers.  The language when the Bible was written has changed considerably.  Pastor talked about the difference in being healed, clean vs unclean and well. Jesus, when asked by the lepers to be healed, sent them to the priest and on the way they became clean, healed and finally well.  Jesus can heal diseases, cleanse your soul and make you well and forgiven all at the same time.  He died to heal your sins and make you well and fit for life with Him, now and then.

On this day
2011 - this day was the 80 degree day that we had last week this year.  I was finally healed, after being in the hospital 4 times and finally had the colectomy I needed.  Nicole was living in Chicago at the time but was home for the weekend, she went out to Pastor Beebe's church as she still does when she is home.  The more things change, it seems, the more the stay the same.

1776 - A group of Spanish missionaries settled in what is now San Francisco, CAAnd opened a winery?  Needed something to celebrate the birth of a great nation!

Maroon village, along Suriname River, 1955
Main article: History of Suriname
Indigenous settlement of Suriname dates back to 3,000 BC. The largest tribes were the Arawak, a nomadic coastal tribe that lived from hunting and fishing. They were the first inhabitants in the area. The Carib also settled in the area and conquered the Arawak by using their superior sailing ships. They settled in Galibi (Kupali Yumï, meaning "tree of the forefathers") at the mouth of the Marowijne River. While the larger Arawak and Carib tribes lived along the coast and savanna, smaller groups of indigenous peoples lived in the inland rainforest, such as the AkurioTrióWarrau, and Wayana.  And opened up a canoe livery.  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Cheryl!

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