Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 11, 2018 Sunday #fixorfail#wait#IM?#gerrymandering#rebirth!

Get Fit
I am not fit today.  We worked the lunch for a funeral yesterday, maybe 160 people, more than we have ever done before.  It was unexpected and only by the grace of God did the food last.  Thank heaven for the beginning of the year diets.  Anyway, when I am on my feet a lot, (in bad boots) I often have leg cramps at night.  Last night was the worse.  I finally got up to look on line to see what I could do, eat, rub etc. to get rid of them.  Magnesium (which I already take) is the consensus.  After looking further this morning I discovered a site that told about the best foods to eat and worse for leg cramps.  Two foods on the list of no no's were pizza and beer, which is what I had for dinner last night.  So,  if you suffer from this as well - take a look at what you should and shouldn't eat for this - I want you to find out for yourselves so you don't hold me responsible.  (It said you can counteract the beer with a glass of water for each beer you drink.)  Now I'll be up all night going to the bathroom.

Get Faith
Psalm 119:111-112  "I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.  I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes forever, even to the end."  Once you have the Word in your heart, well, it is in there.  Everyday a prayer or verse or psalm, a hymn will come to mind that reminds you of who you came from, who is ever present in your life and where your future is.  This time and place is a waiting room, use it wisely.

On this day
2011  Amazing!  The first line is - 'slept bad, bones and joints ached all night". (Must have had beer and pizza for dinner!?)  But I still had to go to work.  I dropped off my neighbor girl, Jacquelin, at school on the way. (I wonder how she is doing.  She was in middle school then - so she might be turning 21 now)  It mentioned I changed my phone service from caller ID to voice mail.  Mom couldn't see the names and seldom made it to the phone in time to answer.  It seemed like a solution.  It says I IM ed with Nicole, she lived in Chicago that year I believe.  It is interesting to see the changes in phones etc, glad I have kept a record to remember.  Were we not texting then?  Question for the day.

1812 - The term "gerrymandering" had its beginning when the governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry, signed a redistricting law that favored his party.  Another political power tool.

As a result of territorial adjustments mandated by the victorious Allies at the end of World War II in 1945, Poland's geographic centre of gravity shifted towards the west and the re-defined Polish lands largely lost their traditional multi-ethnic character through the extermination, expulsion and migration of various ethnic groups during and after the war. By the late 1980s, the Polish reform movement Solidarity became crucial in bringing about a peaceful transition from a communist state to a capitalist economic system and a liberal parliamentary democracy. This process resulted in the creation of the modern Polish state: the Third Polish Republic, founded in 1989.  The need to survive with your traditions intact is apparently strong.  With my own ancestry here, I'm proud of their strength and fortitude!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Merri! Pam S, Christine & Sue!

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