Sunday, February 18, 2018

February 19, 2018 Monday #newbands#completejoy!#supportwithlove#Lusatian

Get Fit
I have to work today but promised myself I would work out with the new resistant band that Nicole got me for my birthday.  It came with suggested new workouts!  I love trying something new - like the kettle balls - until my neighbor moved and took his.  darn it.

Get Faith
John 15:10-11  " (Jesus said) "Remain in my that my joy may be in  you and that your joy may be complete."  We have a tendency to be dissatisfied with our lives.  We worry about losing our looks, getting old, carrying extra weight and not gaining all the things we want out of life.  That is what the Peace of the Lord means to those in the faith.  You gain an acceptance of what we know is inevitable - moving ahead in our life.  For us in the faith - our joy is in the Lord.  God tells us not to worry about we wear or what we will eat - He provides all for us.  Let God clothe you in the joy of our salvation in His son Jesus the Christ.  It really takes the pressure off and makes your joy complete.

On this day
2017  Last year on this day, I was still getting a lot of company and phone calls after having my lung cancer surgery a couple weeks before.  I am blessed with loving family and friends.  You heal so much faster with people around you that care.  My sister Alice is in the hospital up in Traverse City today and has to have another surgery.  My heart is heavy that I can't be up there as I was last week with the first surgery.  If you have someone with health problems or having difficulty - reach out to them with a visit or phone call.  We are the best solution for keeping people from having extreme mental and emotional problems.  Be there for someone today.

1807 - Former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr was arrested in Alabama. He was later tried and acquitted on charges of treason. See there IS a pattern.


Prehistory and protohistory

Reconstruction of a Bronze AgeLusatian culture settlement in Biskupin, c. 700 BC
Historians have postulated that throughout Late Antiquity, many distinct ethnic groups populated the regions of what is now Poland. The ethnicity and linguistic affiliation of these groups have been hotly debated; the time and route of the original settlement of Slavic peoples in these regions lacks written records and can only be defined as fragmented.[32]
The most famous archaeological find from the prehistory and protohistory of Poland is the Biskupinfortified settlement (now reconstructed as an open-air museum), dating from the Lusatian culture of the early Iron Age, around 700 BC. The Slavic groups who would form Poland migrated to these areas in the second half of the 5th century AD. Up until the creation of Mieszko's state and his subsequent conversion to Christianity in 966 AD, the main religion of Slavic tribes that inhabited the geographical area of present-day Poland was Slavic paganism. With the Baptism of Poland the Polish rulers accepted Christianity and the religious authority of the Roman Church. However, the transition from paganism was not a smooth and instantaneous process for the rest of the population as evident from the pagan reaction of the 1030s.[33]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Abel and Bob!

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