Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018 Tuesday #strength#LOVE#derailed#DNAunderstood

Get Fit
Couldn't fire up my CD on the laptop.  I am so handicapped when it comes to electronics.  So, I worked out with the weights in stead.  Going up north for a few days so I won't be able to write my blog from there this time. 

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:7-8  "(Love) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails."  I'll be going to a ladies Valentine lunch today and remembered the song Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.  I feel like women always have their arms open to their parents, children, grandchildren and friends - anyone who needs a hug and an extra measure of love.  On Valentine Day love is celebrated - earthly love, which is powerful.  God's love is an example of what our love for one another should look like.  So be those arms for one another to lean on and remember those arms that stretched wide open in love for you, on the cross.

On this day
2012  I always plan an organized day of activity for myself but most days that doesn't work.  I had to take Mom for a CT scan.  Mom had been in the hospital and rehab already this year but it seemed the hits just kept on coming.  Then I had to meet Nicole out at Dee's house to pick up a few boxes of sports cards that Nicole was working on at home.  Neither of these two events ended well but you don't know that at the time and just have to trust that whatever is - is.  In hind sight we always thought things would work out and they did, kind of.   We have to be the leaning arms and help out where we need to - even if the outcome is not what is hoped for. 

1633 - Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for trial before the Inquisition. I feel like that didn't go like he planned either.

The first sign of humans in Polish lands was 500,000 years ago. The Bronze Age started around 2400-2300 BC. The Iron Age started around 750-700 BC. At that time the Polish lands were under the influence of the Lusatian culture. About 400 BC Celtic and Germanic tribes lived there. Those people had trade contacts with the Roman Empire.
Over time, Slavs came to Polish lands. Some of those Slavs, now commonly referred to as Western Slavs (though in reality a diverse group of tribes with shared ethnic and cultural features), stayed there and started to create new nations. The most powerful tribe was called the Polans, who united all of the other Slavic tribes living there, and this is where the name "Poland" comes from.  Wow!  now I have a better understanding of my Scottish/German/Polish history, all related.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Reggie and Joe!!!

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