Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8, 2017 Thursday#Bekind&pray#Snowball#formedforwho?#Polishchairs

Get Fit
Some days your exercise plan gets derailed.  Get back on asap!

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:32  "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  In Bible study this morning we talked about prayer.  We are a group of solid hard core Lutherans, (I looked around the room when I thought this) that are believers in prayer.  We talked about how we hate to bother God with little prayers or don't want to seem like we are whining or not appreciative of what we DO have.  We wanted confirmation about our prayers being heart felt and not bargaining.  These are prayer of a people that believe firmly, that God hears prayers (and critiques them as well).   We are blessed.  What of those who don't have this deep firm belief in God, that He is always there, listening.  Be kind to someone who has lost or never had this great gift.  Pray for them to get the gift of prayer for themselves.  Love your neighbor.

On this day
2003  Nicole was very active in high school.  On this morning her and friends went to school to decorate for the dance that night.  She got her hair done and picked up a boutonniere for Craig.  Nicole, Maddy Craig, Laura and Brandy went to the Olive Garden and then to the Snowball dance at school, followed by bowling.  Wish I had the photo to share, they were a sight to behold - they found a really good dinner jacket for Craig for the evening and a dapper hat.  They had so much fun, not sure if they changed from their finery to go bowling or not.  lol.

1861 - The Confederate States of America was formed. 

1861 - A Cheyenne delegation and some Arapaho leaders accepted a new settlement (Treaty of Fort Wise) with the U.S. Federal government. The deal ceded most of their land but secured a 600-square mile reservation and annuity payments.   Read these again and tell me what you think.

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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Don M, Christine and John!

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