Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 Wednesday #springtraining#youcan#workworkrelax#SmartPoles!

Get Fit
Worked out with the Pilates ring this morning, legs, arms, back and abs.  After not doing anything for a week it was nice to get back into the routine.  Hope you are getting into your spring training routine!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 2:15  "Do your best to (study and ) present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."  I have not to my memory read or thought about this verse before.  I understand it to be a reassurance that you are able to spread the word of God, without concerning yourself whether you are capable or used to doing this.  Don't be "ashamed" to share the word.  You can take a verse like this and ask someone what they think and let the conversation open them up to the word of God, like I just did.  I'm not seminary trained - I only want to share the Gospel with people that need it.  God works through us to love and help one another.

On this day
1979 - I worked at Quality during the day and sold Amway products on the side.  I have worked multiple jobs most of my life, even if just a border in my house.  When you are constantly busy it is nice to have a relaxing distraction.  I always like jigsaw puzzles and had one set up in the house most of the time.  Until I had cats.  Now I do them on line, Ha!  What do you do to relax?

1842 - John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine. What a smart worthwhile thing!  Thought it would be Singer but I guess not.

In the middle of the 13th century, the Silesian branch of the Piast dynasty (Henry I the Bearded and Henry II the Pious, ruled 1238–41) nearly succeeded in uniting the Polish lands, but the Mongols invaded the country from the east and defeated the combined Polish forces at the Battle of Legnica where Duke Henry II the Pious died. In 1320, after a number of earlier unsuccessful attempts by regional rulers at uniting the Polish dukedoms, Władysław I consolidated his power, took the throne and became the first king of a reunified Poland. His son, Casimir III (reigned 1333–70), has a reputation as one of the greatest Polish kings, and gained wide recognition for improving the country's infrastructure.[37][38] He also extended royal protection to Jews, and encouraged their immigration to Poland.[37][39] Casimir III realized that the nation needed a class of educated people, especially lawyers, who could codify the country's laws and administer the courts and offices. His efforts to create an institution of higher learning in Poland were finally rewarded when Pope Urban V granted him permission to open the University of Kraków.  Contrary to what the public think of Pollocks, I see that they were concerned with the people of their country, they were highly intelligent and not good at defending themselves.  They were smart enough to bring in Jewish lawyers.  What about that! huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    RIP Billy Graham, I'm sure you will.  Job well done!

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