Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6, 2018 Tuesday #Routine#Alwaysonmymind#moreroutine#SavePoland!

Get Fit
I love being retired but I hate being broke.  I love my regular morning routine and hate to get up and go to work.  What about you?  Are you still working?  When I worked I got up at 5 AM and worked out before I went to work.  I have to work and am trying to keep it to one day, now they want me 3 days.  I'm looking for someone to fill the open spot in their office.  Today I enjoyed my regular routine and did my daily dozen.  If you don't do the plank for a while you almost go back to scratch.  What about you?  What is your routine and is exercise part of it?

Get Faith
Psalm 40:5  "O Lord, my God, many and many a time you have done great miracles for us, and we are ever in your thoughts.  Who else can do such glorious things?  No one else can be compared with you.  There isn't time to tell of all your wonderful deeds."  Can you imagine that you are always on God's mind?  He is always thinking of you.  He loves you that much. Our God is an awesome loving God.

On this day
 2002  Was a Sunday.  Do you try to keep your life relaxed and quiet?  Do you occasionally have an event, family occasion or guests over?  Do you hope no one calls so that you don't have to go out in the cold winter days?  Do you call anyone to check up and see how they are doing?  "They" say that an active social life is good for you but then they say to beware of crowds so you don't get the flu.  Lol  This day in my journal looks like a nightmare to most people.  After church, my day of rest went to hell, literally.  I do like to be busy.  I was working on an 80th birthday party for mom at this time and tried to drag everyone I could into it.  It turned out great but I had to send formal apologies out to my family after the party.

2002 - A federal judge ordered John Walker Lindh to be held without bail pending trial. Lindh was known as the "American Taliban." I have no recollection of this guy. Do you?

The Second Polish Republic, established in 1918, existed as an independent state until 1939, when Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union destroyed it in their invasion of Poland at the beginning of World War II. Millions of Polish citizens perished in the course of the Nazi occupation of Polandbetween 1939 and 1945 as Germany classified ethnic Poles and other SlavsJews and Romani (Gypsies) as subhuman. Nazi authorities targeted the last two groups for extermination in the short term, deferring the extermination and/or enslavement of the Slavs as part of the Generalplan Ost('General Plan for the East') conceived by the Nazi régime. A Polish government-in-exile nonetheless functioned throughout the war and the Poles contributed to the Allied victory through participation in military campaigns on both the eastern and western fronts. The westward advances of the Soviet Red Army in 1944 and 1945 compelled Nazi Germany's forces to retreat from Poland, which led to the establishment of a communist satellite state of the Soviet Union, known from 1952 as the Polish People's RepublicWe see how a single regime of hate can destroy an entire population.  It has happened in so many histories of so many countries.  We need to prevent this hate from replaying this scenario, we have a couple of possible hate groups that could breed this at this time.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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