Friday, February 2, 2018

January 2, 2018 Friday#Kiltedcoaches!#JOY#bossonvacationjoy#Krakowrevisited

Get Fit
So for some entertainment go to The Kilted coaches.  I'm sure it works for them as you will see, whether it works for you is yet to be seen.  Have fun trying to decipher what they are saying, mind the language and wait for the video or scroll ahead. 

Get Faith
John 15:10-11  "(Jesus said.)  "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."  Do you feel like you have joy in your life?  Life can be monotonous and frustrating, work - eat - sleep.  Is that how you feel?  One foot in front of the other?  I think you are missing the point.  We are here to enjoy this life which includes being with our God everyday and enjoying what he has given us.  Sharing our joy in Jesus can make a big difference in our joy.  How is your "joy" doing?

On this day
1998  These long winter months with the short cold days can be joy stealers, right?  Back in 1998 on this day, the boss, Doug and Jim from the shop were on vacation.  The boss and Doug being on vacation at the same time was pure joy.  At this time in my history with them, they trusted me implicitly and called occasionally to check in, but that was it.  Glory!  what a relief from the normal stress and misery they usually brought to work in the morning with them.  I was so relaxed I didn't even mind the doctor appointment at the end of the day for THAT check up!  Find joy in the small things!

1998 - U.S. President Clinton introduced the first balanced budget in 30 years. We did have good years economy wise during his presidency, too bad he was such a w.....e. He is lucky the Me Too generation came later.

Krakow Poland

The city has grown from a Stone Age settlement to Poland's second most important city. It began as a hamlet on Wawel Hill and was already being reported as a busy trading centre of Slavonic Europe in 965.[4] With the establishment of new universities and cultural venues at the emergence of the Second Polish Republic in 1918 and throughout the 20th century, Kraków reaffirmed its role as a major national academic and artistic centre. The city has a population of approximately 760,000, with approximately 8 million additional people living within a 100 km (62 mi) radius of its main square.[6]
 I have discovered that we were in Krakow 5 years ago so I will take this to all of Poland instead.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill G!

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