Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018 Tuesday #Keepitup#Sendme#adventuresinskiing#USPS#autonomous

Get Fit
Nicole got me those new resistance bands.  The are a 2" wide band and come in different strengths.  I can use the tightest one on my legs but the arms I need the easier ones.  Nice addition to my routine but I would really like to get myself into the habit of going to the Y and using the treadmill too.

Get Faith
Isaiah 6:8  " Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"  And I said, "here am I .  Send me!""  Have you been called?  I have had many calls and have answered some and unfortunately dropped some.  I am getting, not just called but pushed lately with the children's musical and children's services that keep popping into my head at random times.  Now I have even been sent the person that I should be working with on that.  I am here Lord, I will go for it!

On this day
1976  This was my first day of adventures in skiing.  Pete and I drove up with a gang of people to Boyne and stayed in a Chalet.  Of course this was the Friday night and late when we got up there so it was reasonable that the first thing to do was  - go to the bar.  I found out it is an important part of the sport.  It gives you courage to start and comfort when you fail.  When I see the Olympics now I wonder if I could have been a better skier if I had had the money.  I doubt it, but this first time was fun.  Do you ski or snowboard?  How about cross country?  Great exercise! and fresh air.

1792 - U.S. President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act that created the U.S. Post Office. What a great idea!!!!

In 1109, Prince Bolesław III Wrymouth defeated the King of Germany Henry V at the Battle of Hundsfeld, stopping the German march into Poland. The significance of the event was documented by Gallus Anonymus in his 1118 chronicle.[35]In 1138, Poland fragmented into several smaller duchies when Bolesław divided his lands among his sons. In 1226, Konrad I of Masovia, one of the regional Piast dukes, invited the Teutonic Knights to help him fight the Baltic Prussianpagans; a decision that led to centuries of warfare with the Knights. In 1264, the Statute of Kalisz or the General Charter of Jewish Liberties introduced numerous right for the Jews in Poland, leading to a nearly autonomous "nation within a nation".[36]  Interesting history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Stephanie!

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