Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25, 2018 Sunday #Newlife!#bathingsuiteready#BeaChristian!#InclusivePoles!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, (they are) a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  When you make a change in  your life for the better you begin to see things in a different way.  If you are dieting - you see a weight loss, if you quit gambling - you see money in your pocket and have a relief from stress.  If you quit drinking you begin to realize feeling better and getting healthy makes your relationships better.  In the same way when you become friends with Christ you adjust to a new peace and rest in your life.  The things that made you anxious or stressful start to become - not so important.  It is a blessing from God that we become new in our new life with Christ - life is calm and purposeful - the peace in understanding. God is good - God is love.

On this day
1983 - For you Christina --it was a Friday and Chris was going on vacation to Florida.  We celebrate both of our birthdays in February so on this day I went to her house, make dinner and I think we did that wax-thing that us women do before putting on a bathing suit.  It said birthday treatment, I think that is what it was.  You can fill me in Chris - did we do your hair and nails, etc.??

1570 - England's Queen Elizabeth I was excommunicated by Pope Pius V. I see a lot of these posts about the Popes of the past and can't help but wonder if "my way or the highway" was a great approach in Christianity.?  Don't remember Jesus being this EX clusive.

Just a few more days til we move to a new location.  Lot's of souvenirs I think.  The food at our polish celebration the other night was AMAZING!  
  Smart people, ahead of their time!  Inclusive!
The Warsaw Confederation was an important development in the history of Poland, which extended religious freedoms and tolerance, and produced a first of its kind document in Europe, 28 January 1573.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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