Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018 Wednesday Ash Wednesday and Valentine! #hearts and ashes

Get Fit
A lesson in patience today.  Stress is your worse enemy.  For your health tip of the day!

Get Faith
Isaiah 53:6  "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way,: and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."  We all sin, and are called to think of that the next 40 days and repent - return to the Lord for forgiveness because in God's great love - Jesus - we ARE forgiven and are saved from eternal death.  God is love.  Happy Valentine and don't forget to repent - go get your ashes.

On this day  
2013  I called everyone (or texted) Happy Valentines day then went to the dentist and had a wisdom tooth pulled.  How are you celebrating?

1803 - Moses Coates received a patent for the apple parer. big news for him, hope he made millions.

Poland is a developed market and regional power as well as a possible emerging world power.[17] It has the eighth largest and one of the most dynamic economies in the European Union,[18][19] simultaneously achieving a very high rank on the Human Development Index.[20] Additionally, the Polish Stock Exchange in Warsaw is the largest and most important in Central Europe.[21] Poland is a developed[22] and democratic country, which maintains a high-income economy[23] along with very high standards of livinglife quality,[24] safety, education and economic freedom.[25][26] According to the World Bank, Poland has a leading school educational system in Europe.[27][28] The country provides free university education, state-funded social security and a universal health care system for all citizens.[29][30] Having an extensive history, Poland has developed a rich cultural heritage, including numerous historical monuments. It has 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 14 of which are cultural.[31] Poland is a member state of the European Union, the Schengen Area, the United NationsNATO, the OECD, the Three Seas Initiative, and the Visegrád Group. I am proud!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jackie and Sue V!!

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