Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22, 2018 Thursday #EasyasABC#Jesussaid#Neonaura#Casimir!

Get Fit
Love dancing to the Oldies!  Soul Man, Think what your trying to do to me,  Some Michael Jackson tune!  What a great way to start the day.  Don't judge!

Get Faith
I read a text from a Lenten devotional this morning "(Jesus said) "I am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep."  I had a preschool group at VBS one year and this was the verse they were supposed to learn one day.  It was a large group and my daughter and a few other adults were with the group.  The lesson suggested to do an exercise type thing to help the children remember.  Hands on head "Jesus said"  Hands on shoulders- "I am the Good Shepherd"  Hands on waist "The Good Shepherd lays down" Hands on knees - "His life" hands on feet "for His sheep."Neonaura  Repeat 6 times.  They learned it and so did we.  Anytime either of us hears this verse our hands go to our heads.  One day at church our music bell director walked up to me and recited the verse with the motions.  I guess she was in the class too. 

On this day
1980  Chris was off on vacation - in Acapulco, lucky her!  I worked and then my friend Linda came over and her and I went down to the Ren Cen - which was still pretty new then and we had dinner at Dionosios in celebration of Neon Aura her cousin.  We met Al. (?)  Ok, Linda do you remember this?  Fill us in.

1819 - Spain ceded Florida to the United StatesThank heavens!  Where would we go when we retire if not to Florida?


The Golden Liberty of the nobles began to develop under Casimir's rule, when in return for their military support, the king made a series of concessions to the nobility, and establishing their legal status as superior to that of the townsmen. When Casimir the Great died in 1370, leaving no legitimate male heir, the Piast dynasty came to an end.

Casimir III the Great is the only Polish king to receive the title of Great. He built extensively during his reign, and reformed the Polish army along with the country's civil and criminal laws, 1333–70. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristina, Bill & Samatha!

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