Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019 Monday #Knowyourfaith#perfectSunday#Tripoli#BritianvsDuars

Get Faith
Acts chapter 7  "It was this Moses whom they rejected....and whom God now sent as both ruler and liberator...."  The people of the earth, that God created were and still are famous for rejecting people that God sends to lead them on a better path.  Jesus was rejected - they thought He was just the kid from Nazareth.  We are leery of people who preach  if we do not know them, it is why you should read the Bible yourself and try to understand the meaning and join Bible study to know if what they are preaching is right.  Like anything else in this life it depends on the more you know.  And pray for guidance. Always.

On this day
2012  We were in a different weather cycle I can tell you that much.  It was a Sunday and 90 degrees I came home from church with Mom, brought out my little plastic pool put my feet in it and sat  and read.  I tried to bring the cat out but it was too hot for him (Nola).  Now I can never get him in, except like today when it is raining.  What do your perfect Sundays sound like?

1801 - The North African State of Tripoli declared war on the U.S. The dispute was over merchant vessels being able to travel safely through the Mediterranean.  Now the bigger threat is the pirates.


When Ngawang Namgyal died in 1651, his passing was kept secret for 54 years[1651-1705]. After a period of consolidation, Bhutan lapsed into internal conflict. In the year 1711 Bhutan went to war against the Mughal Empire and its Subedars, who restored the kingdom of Koch Bihar in the south. During the chaos that followed, the Tibetans unsuccessfully attacked Bhutan in 1714.[34]
In the 18th century, the Bhutanese invaded and occupied the kingdom of Koch Bihar. In 1772, the Maharaja of Koch Bihar appealed to the British East India Company which assisted by ousting the Bhutanese and later in attacking Bhutan itself in 1774. A peace treaty was signed in which Bhutan agreed to retreat to its pre-1730 borders. However, the peace was tenuous, and border skirmishes with the British were to continue for the next hundred years. The skirmishes eventually led to the Duar War (1864–65), a confrontation for control of the Bengal Duars. After Bhutan lost the war, the Treaty of Sinchula was signed between British India and Bhutan. As part of the war reparations, the Duars were ceded to the United Kingdom in exchange for a rent of Rs. 50,000. The treaty ended all hostilities between British India and Bhutan.  More war.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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