Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 25, 2019 Tuesday#Listenforthecall#FordTempo#Industry&Mining

Get Faith
Acts chapter 10  "So Peter went down to the men and said, "I am the one you are looking for; what is the reason for your coming?"  They answered "Cornelius....was directed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house  and to hear what you have to say."   Both of these men had been contacted by God.  God wanted Peter to go to Cornelius and share the good news of the Gospel.  We know that Cornelius was a God loving, fearing man of God and God wanted him to know about Jesus so that he would be saved, as we are who believe in God's Grace in Jesus Christ.  Let God be active in your heart and mind to share the Gospel with others - if you can't tell them - show them in your life and actions.

On this day
1986  It was a big day for Mom she bought a new car - Ford Tempo and her and my brother Mark came over and we went for a ride.  We went to Big Boy for lunch, stopped by my cousin Sandy's and came back home.  Nicole was a year old and had a ride in the car that would be hers when she turned 16 and lasted till she was in college.  What a good little car.  Lots of memories.  What was your first car? 

1986 - The U.S. Congress approved $100 million in aid to the Contras fighting in Nicaragua. 



The industrial sector accounts of 22% of the economy. The key manufacturing sectors in Bhutan include production of ferroalloy, cement, metal poles, iron and nonalloy steel products, processed graphitecopper conductors, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, processed fruits, carpets, wood products and furniture.[102]


Bhutan has deposits of numerous minerals. Commercial production includes coaldolomitegypsum, and limestone. The country has proven reserves of berylcopper, graphite, leadmicapyritetintungsten, and zinc. However, the country remains as an environmental frontier as it prefers to conserve the environment, rather than to exploit and destroy it for money.[citation needed]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy birthday Judy, Heidi, Elaine & Dale!

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