Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 9, 2019 Sunday#Peace#Preparation#Windpipe#Zhabdrung

Get Faith
John chapter 14  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives."  Our relationship with God is not like our human earthly relationships and so too the peace He gives us not like the peace we do or do not share on this earth.  Our peace on earth is always dependent on the peace that is shared with someone else - if it is not returned we do not have earthly peace.  The peace Jesus gives us is not of this world, it is unconditional.  You don't have to earn it and you don't have to repay it - much like your sin.  Forgiven and at peace.

On this day
2011  Mom was living with me and ok to leave for a few days.  I just made sure there was food and supplies, what ever she needed and let the neighbors know I would be gone and she would be home alone.  I also took her to her Doctor appointment.  I got her some goodies from the bakery and made some chicken and tuna salad for her for the weekend.  I packed myself up and got myself ready to travel the next day to Chicago to see Nicole.  She was living there this year.

2011 - The world's first artificial organ transplant was performed. It was an artificial windpipe coated with stem cells.  Amazing!!!!

Much of early Bhutanese history is unclear because most of the records were destroyed when fire ravaged the ancient capital, Punakha, in 1827. By the 10th century, Bhutan's political development was heavily influenced by its religious history. Various subsects of Buddhism emerged that were patronized by the various Mongol warlords. After the decline of the Yuan dynasty in the 14th century, these subsects vied with each other for supremacy in the political and religious landscape, eventually leading to the ascendancy of the Drukpa Lineage by the 16th century.[25][30]
thrikhep (throne cover) from the 19th century. Throne covers were placed atop the temple cushions used by high lamas. The central circular swirling quadrune is the gankyil in its mode as the "Four Joys".
Until the early 17th century, Bhutan existed as a patchwork of minor warring fiefdoms, when the area was unified by the Tibetan lama and military leader Ngawang Namgyal, who had fled religious persecution in Tibet. To defend the country against intermittent Tibetan forays, Namgyal built a network of impregnable dzongs or fortresses, and promulgated the Tsa Yig, a code of law that helped to bring local lords under centralized control. Many such dzong still exist and are active centers of religion and district administration. Portuguese Jesuits Estêvão Cacella and João Cabral were the first recorded Europeans to visit Bhutan in 1627,[31] on their way to Tibet. They met Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, presented him with firearms, gunpowder and a telescope, and offered him their services in the war against Tibet, but the Zhabdrung declined the offer. After a stay of nearly eight months Cacella wrote a long letter from the Chagri Monastery reporting on his travels. This is a rare extant report of the Zhabdrung.[32][33]

How beautiful!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Eleni, Maria and Lori!!

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