Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 22, 2019 Saturday #StPaulEvangelist#JackTatetroublemaker#Lhotshampas

Get Faith
Acts chapter 9   "When (Saul) had come to Jerusalem, he attempted to join the disciples; and they were all afraid of him, for they did not believe that he was a disciple."  I understand their reluctance to accept him, don't you?  I mean he was persecuting those of the new church like the week before and now he's switched sides.  Barnabas came to his defense and eventually, as we know, Paul became one of our strongest evangelists.  Our God is amazing in what he can change from a negative to a positive.  Give thanks to the Lord our God. 

On this day
1983  Jack Tate was in from Florida with Love It and staying here at my house.  I was on vacation this week so rode along to the pits with Jack to take the boat down to Roostertail, again for the third year.  The boat broke again, for the second year so we just drank and partied anyway.  It was a pretty hot day and very drunk, but we managed to get all the way out to the Wishing Well to continue the carnage.  How Jack pulled that boat back, I have no idea.  Gilly and Lorna were with us in the truck.  Good times.

1807 - British seamen board the USS Chesapeake, a provocation leading to the War of 1812.   Also boat racing.


Ethnic conflict[edit]

Ethnic LhotshampasBhutanese refugees left Bhutan, arrived in Nepal in the early 1990s.
In the 1990s, Bhutan expelled or forced to leave most of its ethnic Lhotshampa population, one-fifth of the country's entire population, demanding conformity in religion, dress, and language.[82][83][84] Lhotshampas were arrested and expelled from the country and their property was expropriated.[85]
A harassment campaign escalating in the early 1990s ensued, and afterwards Bhutanese security forces began expelling people. According to the UNHCR, more than 107,000 Bhutanese refugees living in seven camps in eastern Nepal have been documented as of 2008.[84] After many years in refugee camps, many inhabitants are now moving to different host nations such as Canada, Norway, the UK, Australia, and the US as refugees. The US has admitted 60,773 refugees from fiscal years 2008 through 2012.[86]
The Nepalese government does not permit citizenship for Bhutanese refugees, so most of them have become stateless.[87] Careful scrutiny has been used to prevent their relatives from getting ID cards and voting rights.[87] Bhutan considers political parties associated with these refugees to be illegal and terrorist in nature.[87] Human rights groups initially claimed the government interfered with individual rights by requiring all citizens, including ethnic minority members, to wear the traditional dress of the ethnic majority in public places. The government strictly enforced this law in Buddhist religious buildings, government offices, schools, official functions, and public ceremonies.[87]
Well this gives me a different outlook on this nation.  What is it about the people of this earth?  Only God knows.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Janet, Kaitlyn and Alex!!!

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