Tuesday, June 11, 2019

June 11, 2019 Tuesday #Falsegod#WheresKing?#Germany#Newking

Get Faith
Acts as repeated by Stephen  "At that time they made a calf, offered a sacrifice to the idol, and reveled in the works of their hands."   We need God, but not one like this from the time of Moses, not something made from human hands that can do absolutely nothing for you.  But yet,  people still worship other gods, the primary one probably being wealth.  And you can't say to them what has your god wealth done for you?  Because they will show you all that they have - a  beautiful home, cars, clothes, vacations.  It is hard to tell them it can all go away.  And that famous adage, "you can't take it with you".  What is the next life that money can offer you?  It isn't having money that is a problem, but the love of money that separates you from God in heaven, the real God. 

On this day
2013  It gets to the point that the house and yard are too much to handle.  I called a guy named King to clean all my outside windows and they showed up right away.  I had him do a lot of jobs for me.  He even showed up, randomly on a day when I was trying to get the snowblower started and after he did - he of course blew the snow for me.  I'm wondering if I still have his card right now.  I always had him go across and clean Al's windows for her.  It was a beautiful 80 degree day - much like today and I also took Mom to the doctor and CVS and we sat outside after dinner.  I sure do miss her and regret those days when I wished I was freer to do my own thing, like now.

1346 - Charles IV of Luxembourg was elected Holy Roman Emperor in Germany. I regret not knowing more German history.

During the 1870s, power struggles between the rival valleys of Paro and Tongsa led to civil war in Bhutan, eventually leading to the ascendancy of Ugyen Wangchuck, the poenlop (governor) of Tongsa. From his power base in central Bhutan, Ugyen Wangchuck defeated his political enemies and united the country following several civil wars and rebellions during 1882–85.[35]
In 1907, an epochal year for the country, Ugyen Wangchuck was unanimously chosen as the hereditary king of the country by the Lhengye Tshog of leading Buddhist monks, government officials, and heads of important families, with the firm petition made by Gongzim Ugyen Dorji. John Claude White, British Political Agent in Bhutan, took photographs of the ceremony.[36] The British government promptly recognized the new monarchy, and in 1910 Bhutan signed the Treaty of Punakha, a subsidiary alliance which gave the British control of Bhutan's foreign affairs and meant that Bhutan was treated as an Indian princely state. This had little real effect, given Bhutan's historical reticence, and also did not appear to affect Bhutan's traditional relations with Tibet. After the new Union of India gained independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947, Bhutan became one of the first countries to recognize India's independence. On 8 August 1949, a treaty similar to that of 1910, in which Britain had gained power over Bhutan's foreign relations, was signed with the newly independent India.[21]
In 1953, King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck established the country's legislature – a 130-member National Assembly – to promote a more democratic form of governance. In 1965, he set up a Royal Advisory Council, and in 1968 he formed a Cabinet. In 1971, Bhutan was admitted to the United Nations, having held observer status for three years. In July 1972, Jigme Singye Wangchuck ascended to the throne at the age of sixteen after the death of his father, Dorji Wangchuck.   This brings us up to date on their history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Nancy H.

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