Monday, June 24, 2019

June 24, 2019 Monday#Bacon#newbaby#OneDayintheLifeofIvanDenisovich,#Red Rice

Get Faith
Acts  chapter 10  "The he heard a voice saying, "Get up, Peter; kill and eat."  But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is profane or unclean."  The voice said to him again, a second time, "What God has made clean, you must not call profane."  You may not have ever read this or heard it in Sunday school.  It goes back to what was law in the old testament and we all know how hard it is to give up old habits.  For example, bacon - how hard would it be for you to give that up?  We do not live under the law anymore - I mean we know the importance of the Ten Commandments, but the Israelite's were burdened under the law and so through the grace of God we are not under all those laws that burden us.  We obey the laws we know God wants us to obey because we love and honor Him.  Jesus saved you to eat  bacon.

On this day
1985  Nicole was a month old and it says she was up all day.  She was not a fussy baby and I was so excited about being her mom that it didn't bother me if she didn't nap - I had not yet tired of her company.  Come to think of it, I still never have.  She  would sit in her little swing and smile while I straightened up the house.  She was breast feeding on demand and the doctor said she was doing fine so we were just happy to be home getting accustomed to each other.  This is one of the probably few days we didn't have company.  We did get a birthday gift from my friend Nan in California, we have been friends since we were 10 and despite the distance we still are in contact.

1985 - Natalia Solzhenitsyn the wife of exiled, Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, became a U.S. citizen. I feel like there is a bigger story to this.



Rice planting near Paro
The share of the agricultural sector in GDP declined from approximately 55% in 1985 to 33% in 2003. In 2013 the government announced the aspiration that Bhutan will become the first country in the world with 100 percent organic farming.[99][100] Bhutanese red rice is the country's most widely known agricultural export, enjoying a market in North America and Europe. Bangladesh is the largest market of Bhutanese apples and oranges.[101]
Fishing in Bhutan is mainly centered on trout and carp.

I guess a red rice dish is in order!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy V!!!

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