Saturday, June 8, 2019

June 8, 2019 Saturday#Stayclose#Witchhunt#Buddhism

Get Faith
Luke 11:23  "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."  There is no in between ground with this, you cannot love God half way.  We love God with all our heart and with all our soul.  The same way He loves you.  Jesus teaches us to be one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit so that we may be well and our lives will be with him, now and later.  Ask God to hold you close.

On this day
2010   I was working at Clancy's and they had a huge contract with Iafrate who was working on 696, yep this year they tore it up and then in 2018 it was torn out and done over.  I can't tell you who failed but I know I painstakingly  billed them and double checked and they paid the bill.  Two years later, the bosses son found a paper in the scale and decided I had made a mistake on the billing and cost the company a lot of money, it turned into a witch hunt looking for my errors.  I was never confronted with it so I am sure there was no error or I'm sure I would have been told.  It did lead to my leaving the company two years later.  When confronted with hate you just have to stand your ground and remind yourself that you took the higher path.  The son was looking for a reason to get rid of me and it worked just like the many girls before me., that he did the same to.

0452 - Italy was invaded by Attila the Hun. I've seen pictures of this guy, he was scary!!

Buddhism was first introduced to Bhutan in the 7th century AD. Tibetan king Songtsän Gampo[23] (reigned 627–649), a convert to Buddhism, who actually had extended the Tibetan Empire into Sikkim and Bhutan,[24]ordered the construction of two Buddhist temples, at Bumthang in central Bhutan and at Kyichu (near Paro) in the Paro Valley.[25] Buddhism was propagated in earnest[23] in 746[26] under King Sindhu Rāja (alsoKünjom;[27] Sendha Gyab; Chakhar Gyalpo), an exiled Indian king who had established a government in Bumthang at Chakhar Gutho Palace.[28]:35 [29]:13

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Phil and Nancy

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