Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3, 2019 Monday#Follow#Family#Defense#ContitutionalMonarchy

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9  "As they were going along the road, someone said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."  And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.""  I read this as the only home that Jesus has is heaven, he was only visiting here - on our behalf.  But let's think like the someone who said "I will follow you wherever you go."  Our home is here now and following the teachings of Jesus will give us a better place to go when our time here ends. Thank you Jesus for your love and teachings.

On this day
2005  It was a Friday and after work Mom and I packed up and headed to Roscommon for the weekend.  Nicole came too, from Stony Lake.  It was Alice's birthday coming up on the 6th and we went up to celebrate.  I have way to much going on this week to get up there but I'm looking at next Monday and Tuesday to possibly go up.

1784 - The U.S. Congress formally created the United States Army to replace the disbanded Continental Army. On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress had created the Continental Army for purposes of common defense and this event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. As much as I would love to see a day when armies are unnecessary, it isn't yet.

The independence of Bhutan has endured for centuries and it has never been colonized in its history. Situated on the ancient Silk Road between Tibet, the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, the Bhutanese state developed a distinct national identity based on Buddhism. Headed by a spiritual leader known as the Zhabdrung Rinpoche, the territory was composed of many fiefdoms and governed as a Buddhist theocracy. Following a civil war in the 19th century, the House of Wangchuck reunited the country and established relations with the British Empire. Bhutan fostered a strategic partnership with India during the rise of Chinese communism and has a disputed border with China. In 2008, Bhutan transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy and held the first election to the National Assembly of Bhutan. The National Assembly of Bhutan is part of the bicameral parliament of the Bhutanese democracy.[10]   It appears they have reached a calmer plateau than most.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Kostyantine & Kjersten!!!

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