Friday, June 7, 2019

June 7, 2019 Friday#Whattime?#Help#Lhomonsoutherndarkness

Get Faith
Luke chapter 10  "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.  Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."  It is a fine line of what to do and not to do.  Our main job according to Jesus in this story is to learn about and worship God.  Churches have a lot of necessary jobs that provide for people to come in and worship and enjoy fellowship together that strengthens our faith and service to God.  I have friends who only feel they can work around church, like Martha.  I guess the important thing is to realize when Christ is present to listen and pray - now you only need to figure out when those times are.

On this day
2009  Was a Sunday and after church with Mom, a guy I knew from Clancy's called and pleaded with me to come and do some billing for him so he could get paid on a job he finished.  So I ran out to Harrison Twp and worked a couple hours for him.  He has a demolition company, kind of - his equipment is always in need of repair and he has a very loose bookkeeping system, but hey! everyone has their own thing.  Ten years later I think he is still out there, maybe.  I went home and had dinner with Mom and afterwards having a cup of tea I wrote a short note to my ex who needed emotional support.  He was having a bad time and it didn't do me any good to make his way harder than it already was.  Be kind.

1498 - Christopher Columbus left on his third voyage of exploration. I wonder if he had a girl in every port.

Daga Bhutan
Stone tools, weapons, elephants, and remnants of large stone structures provide evidence that Bhutan was inhabited as early as 2000 BC, although there are no existing records from that time. Historians have theorized that the state of Lhomon (literally, "southern darkness"), or Monyul ("Dark Land", a reference to the Monpa, the aboriginal peoples of Bhutan) may have existed between 500 BC and AD 600. The names Lhomon Tsendenjong (Sandalwood Country), and Lhomon Khashi, or Southern Mon (country of four approaches), have been found in ancient Bhutanese and Tibetan chronicles.[21][22]
Another ancient peoples.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sara 

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