Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019 Thursday #Jesusvslawyer#Quickchange#WarwithCanada#Drukyul

Get Faith
Luke 10:29  "But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"  Are you a lawyer or do you know one?  Can you imagine trying to use our current law system on Jesus?  This guy wanted to know how to inherit eternal life.   Love God and love your neighbor was not enough he wanted verification of the law  as in Jesus vs lawyer.  What we think might be the right answer in this world does not hold water in the next.  Love your neighbor - everyone, but love God first.

On this day
2008  The bosses Mom died and the shop closed up at 2:00.  I went to the Mall to find something to wear to the funeral home.  I found an outfit and changed into it at Wendy's in the ladies room.  I never did that before or since, and I'm not sure why I had to buy something to wear.  But I went to the funeral home and sat till 5:00 and then left for Marine City to take care of  Fitz.  I tried to be comfortable with the Boss and his family but there was always something - like a fence between us.  I don't think it was me, I haven't had that situation ever before.  Can you relate?   Love thy neighbor.

1813 - The U.S. invasion of Canada was halted at Stony Creek, Ontario. I cannot fathom a war with Canada?!

Dagana Bhutan


The precise etymology of "Bhutan" is unknown, although it is likely to derive from the Tibetan endonym "Bod" used for Tibet. Traditionally, it is taken to be a transcription of the Sanskrit Bhoṭa-anta "end of Tibet", a reference to Bhutan's position as the southern extremity of the Tibetan plateau and culture.[14][15][16]
Since the 17th century the official name of Bhutan has been Druk yul (country of the Drukpa Lineage, the Dragon People, or the Land of the Thunder Dragon, a reference to the country's dominant Buddhist sect) and Bhutan only appears in English-language official correspondence.[16]
Names similar to Bhutan — including Bohtan, Buhtan, Bottanthis, Bottan and Bottanter — began to appear in Europe around the 1580s. Jean-Baptiste Tavernier's 1676 Six Voyages is the first to record the name Boutan. However, in every case, these seem to have been describing not modern Bhutan but the Kingdom of Tibet. The modern distinction between the two did not begin until well into the Scottish explorer George Bogle's 1774 expedition — realizing the differences between the two regions, cultures and states, his final report to the East India Company formally proposed labelling the Druk Desi's kingdom as "Boutan" and the Panchen Lama's as "Tibet". The EIC's surveyor general James Rennell first anglicized the French name as Bootan and then popularized the distinction between it and greater Tibet.[17]
Locally, Bhutan has been known by many names. One of the earliest Western records of Bhutan, the 1627 Relação of the Portuguese Jesuits Estêvão Cacella and João Cabral, records its name variously as Cambirasi (among the Koch Biharis[18]), Potente, and Mon (an endonym for southern Tibet).[17] The first time a separate Kingdom of Bhutan appeared on a western map, it did so under its local name as "Broukpa".[17] Others including Lho Mon ("Dark Southland"), Lho Tsendenjong ("Southland of the Cypress"), Lhomen Khazhi ("Southland of the Four Approaches") and Lho Menjong ("Southland of the Herbs").[19][20]
Too bad they can't name their own country.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
Happy Birthday Alice,Courtney, Danielle, Jon, Lisa and Frank!!

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