Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11, 2019 Wednesday #KnowGod#Goodfriends#HenryHudson#Nome#Neverforget

Get Faith
Ephesians chapter 4  "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."  Keep reading it and it will make  sense.  As Pastor said in Bible study last night - we aren't going to understand everything.  Luther admitted that some things were beyond his grasp and so the same with us.  Whatever we learn and begin to know brings us closer to our God.  In Jesus' name we pray.

On this day
1994  It was a Sunday and after church and Sunday School Nicole and I went for a bike ride down to the marina.  We had no idea about the turmoil between Mark and the Logan's at this time and so when they asked us aboard, well, Nicole and I went out with them.  When we got home, Marty was home and he went up to McDonald's and bought us dinner.  Good old Uncle Marty, he was a great guy.

1609 - Explorer Henry Hudson sailed into New York harbor and discovered Manhattan Island and the Hudson River. My nephew is named after him....jk.


Nome (/ˈnm/InupiaqSiqnazuaq IPA: [siqnɐzuɑq]) is a city in the Nome Census Area in the Unorganized Borough of AlaskaUnited States. The city is located on the southern Seward Peninsula coast on Norton Sound of the Bering Sea. In 2016 the population was estimated at 3,797, a rise from the 3,598 recorded in the 2010 Census, up from 3,505 in 2000. Nome was incorporated on April 9, 1901, and was once the most-populous city in Alaska. Nome lies within the region of the Bering Straits Native Corporation, which is headquartered in Nome.
The city of Nome claims to be home to the world's largest gold pan, although this claim has been disputed by the Canadian city of Quesnel, British Columbia[5]
In the winter of 1925, a diphtheria epidemic raged among Alaska Natives in the Nome area. Fierce territory-wide blizzard conditions prevented the delivery of a life-saving serum by aeroplane from Anchorage. A relay of dog sled teams was organized to deliver the serum.
I think this is the largest city close to Gambell.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Never Forget!

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